Satyricon - Volcano

Oct 17, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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Its not black metal really, just black metal vocals, with some fucking SOLID metal riffs. So different from their older stuff.... I dig it but in a different kinda way. I've heard mixed opinions about it from black metal purists, because most of them are dumbasses. But hey, I still think it's a great album.
i downloaded it a couple of weeks ago.its "a good" album.nothing incredible,but i do like it.i dont see the point in being overly picky about them,they do have an original guitar sound with great riffs in a rock and roll sense to back it up.but there just not that technical really.
so... a band can only be interesting if they are technical :rolleyes:
VolcanO is a very good album,but i think u must listen it a few times.It is not like the old stuff,whick kick asses,but i like it =) I would saw SatyricoN live in a few days but...they will come next year...#@%#$#^#$!
VolcanO is a very good album,but i think u must listen it many times!It 's not like the old stuff that kicks asses,but i realle like it =) I would saw SatyricoN on stage at 22th November (ina few days),but .....they will come (?) next year!@#%%#^#$@@#....
Do any of you know if this is released on vinyl?
I saw them live and asked a guy who was selling their stuff (cd's & shirts), but I don't really know if he meant that it wasn't released on vinyl or that they just didn't have any records with them.