
They're a progressive rock/metal band from the 80s. I can't really describe their sound as I've only heard a sample of one of their songs.

I know a guy online who likes them and says "Streets" is a good album.
For starting definitely get Hall of the Mountain King. Then try Sirens, Edge of Thorns, and Dead Winter Dead.
I have to say I haven't heard much else, but I can tell you that Hall of the Mountain King is a fantastic album.
My favorites

1. Gutter Ballet
2. Wake of Magellan
3. Hall of the Mountain King
4. Handful of Rain
I heard an album by them long ago. I think Al Pitrelli played on that album. It had odd vocals if I remember, but it was good stuff. If only life was long enough to listen to everything I would have gotten back around to them. They seem to have a somewhat small fan base, but they are very well respected I take it.