Saw Mindcrime I & II Tonite....


Demons Will Fly
Oct 18, 2004
Canada, eh
Saw the show tonight. "Wow" is about the only word I can think of to describe it.

The sound of the venue had the best concert sound I've ever heard. each instrument was clearly audible, they didn't overdo the kick drum and it was well mixed. The band played solid and their new guitarist Mike can more than fill Chris' shoes. The guy is a phenominal talent.


Tate - I've been very sketchy about his voice in the past few years but tonight he was flawless. Nailing high notes with dexterity and he never cracked. He was still able to pull off "Jet City Woman" some 30 songs into the set. He sang with a lot of vigour and his voice seemed to be missing that "whiny" tone that he's had for the past few years.

The show was spectacular. Well put together and very well executed even though they had a very confined space in which to perform. I only wish I would have been in the front row. I had a few very large guys in front of me so I did the best with what I could see.

If you're considering going to see this show..... Go! There's a reason why shows like the Wall or T.S.O. are so huge and popular, and Mindcrime I & II were no exception. Hell, I thought the songs were played a lot better live from MCII than they were on CD!
Awesome! I may have to miss this one (I have a kid about to be born, which will probably put me out of the concert attendance game for a while). But I agree that Mindcrime II was a good album. Not exactly the same as the first one by any means, but given the passage of time and all, it's not an unworthy follow up to the original.
Cool. I have a ticket for SF. I agree with SM that OMII is underated. People expect too much methinks, or at least they expect it to sound like the first one. I'm glad it doesn't. I'm not sure if it is what Queensryche intended, but it actually works perfectly, in plot and mood, as a third act. OM being acts I and II.

By the way, thanks for the Tokyo Blade MP3 Pounding Metal!!! Unfortunately it was not the one I was looking for, but Wyvern has sent a CD along through Kittybeast, so I'm covered. That's not to overlook your effort and kindess though, and anyway you hooked me up with something I'd never heard! Thanks!!!!
You guys'll love it. Very theatrical performance.... Tate plays Nikki and Dr. X as well as having an additional actor to play Nikki, as well as people playing doctors, nurses, etc.

ElecWiz - no problem bro, I just wish I would have heard back from you sooner.
poundingmetal74 said:
You guys'll love it. Very theatrical performance.... Tate plays Nikki and Dr. X as well as having an additional actor to play Nikki, as well as people playing doctors, nurses, etc.

ElecWiz - no problem bro, I just wish I would have heard back from you sooner.

Yeah, sorry about that. For what it's worth, I'm moving right now, so you can imagine. We've been packing for two weeks. The truck comes on Saturday. Still, no excuse.....I'll be a better metal brother in the future! I like to keep a clean slate with my UMOS brethren.:rock:
I saw the show a couple of months ago in Melbourne and I agree, the sound was amazing! Sooo clear! The band was tight as you can get as well, and Tate sounded great! Awesome show, I was very impressed!
Cool to see people actually supporting OM II :) I think it's a solid record, maybe it should have been released under another name to avoid so much criticism.

Now I hope they'll bring that gig to Europe, can't wait to see 'Rÿche again!!!
A review I posted elsewhere and edited a bit. Yeah, I'm a day late but yesterday was busy as my wife demanded that we go to the mountains and listen to the Elk serenade their harems.

My drive was only about an hour with heavy traffic. One pretty good accident and one person hit by a car out in front of the venue caused some minor tie-ups. I listened to O:MII on my way down since I didn't want to have my MP3 player in the car in the neighborhood where I was going to have to park and I didn't want any CDs that I actually valued in the car either. ;) It's the old red light district and it's near the state capitol building. Go figure. But I did listen to a lot of Conception and Dokken yesterday at work. I don't really know what that means.

It took me 20 minutes to find a spot and then I had to pay $7. No big deal. I did notice that KMFDM was playing the venue up the street and that's prolly why I had a difficult time finding a spot.

They were at the Fillmore in Denver. Capacity is about 3600 and I'd say it was prolly about 750-1000 short of capacity. It's got a pretty long and eventful history as a on-again, off-again concert venue. It started out as a roller rink in 1907. The acoustics are above average but I planted right in front of the soundboard for the first half of the show. I was not disappointed.

The crowd was totally into the O:M set. Arms and horns flying throughout that set and a large portion of the crowd singing along. The portions of songs where a calculated crowd response was expected did not disappoint. The O:MII portion started out similarly but enthusiasm waned early. The crowd definitely was not into it. and they did not sing along. Makes me think it ain't getting a lot of play by the fans. This may be just my perception but the band seemed to enjoy the new stuff more and was a little more animated. It would make sense. After playing the old stuff for almost 20 years, I'm sure it gets boring for them.

Tate was fine. He didn't go for much of anything in the O:M set. I thought he might be saving it for the O:MII portion. I think I was right about that because he did go for more in that set. He did not go for much in the one encore song I stayed for -- Walk in the Shadows. Once they started into Jet City Woman I headed for the door. Didn't care for it much then, still don't and I've heard it live a ton of times.

Some of the stage stuff reminded me a bit of some Alice Cooper stuff, mostly the straight jacket, of course, but the baggage thing too. I didn't mind the actors as much this time. I thought they had it in sync with the show a little better this time.

There were a few points where Stone's guitar absolutely blared out over everything else. Makes me think he was goofing with the sound man so he could be heard from time to time. He may think that he's more than a hired gun but I sure don't.

Over-all sound O:M was great, O:MII comes off pretty nice live, the songs I don't like on CD are much better live and the ones that I do like on the CD, were no worse live.
Messed up on the date. Kamelot is the 11th QR is Oct. 5th, this Thursday. Hoping to sneak my digital camera in and get pics of Dio as Dr. X.
p.s. I'm almost done with the PP pics got 4 more discs to upload then I'll post the link.
Wheezer said:
Over-all sound O:M was great, O:MII comes off pretty nice live, the songs I don't like on CD are much better live and the ones that I do like on the CD, were no worse live.

Indeed. They did Take Hold and Jet City as encores Friday night.

Only complaint was Tate had no business going for a couple of the notes he attempted throughout the night. One was "We are children of the light!" during THOTF. He had it for a second, but it turned out bad.

I wonder why he sounded so dead on when they toured with Priest? He was phenomenal. Even on the stuff from Rage for Order...