Saxon doing secret gig this Friday in Lincoln

Damn! I've been gone for a bit and it looks like I missed all the excitement. I guess since Saxon couldn't get on the Ozzfest bandwagon along with Priest and Maiden they've found another way to get in front of a younger audience. I'd like to be pissed off about all this but I'm in the US and know there isn't a remote chance of me seeing one of my favorite bands anytime soon.

I'll just wait patiently for the next CD and DVD.
Just back from Porto on hols & had a mad texting session with Paxoman about the Lincoln gig & as you can imagine as i live in Lincoln i was gutted not to be there. For those that have met me know that i am a hardcore fan (went to Berlin in a kilt last tour, Brussels a few years back, all over the Uk over the years and on 2007 Dublin, Rock City & Rome as it fits in with my hols).
Just want to give some facts for people discussing the (1)Lincoln gig, (2)age of fans & (3)moshing & (4)lack of info.
1. Lincoln- i think it was SAXONIZED that said a guy wearing a saxon t-shirt was frowned upon. He was my mate & he only got in because he was wearing it- they had already closed the doors + some other (young) friends who had never heard of saxon until they met me only got let in because they showed saxon where to park and used that as favour. Everyone i talked to said it was amazing - pre saxon fans or NOW new saoxon fans. I am pissed that i wasn't their with my saxon leather jacket, ring and eagle wrist band but i can assure you that SAXON were not deliberatly trying to have a young crowd there or existing fans excluded, nor even the channel four lot or my mates would not have got in. Saxon even invited a friend of mine who was working in the local shop & she's in her forties. However I do know that the venue is tiny and like any pub has its locals who attend every week, just like the pub across the road has. Also pretty sure like some have said that the whole idea was to get the respone of lots of people who hadn't heard of saxon (regardless of age-I am 34 and was a wild fan in my teens and probably more intense now). The most IMPORTANT point is that we LOVE SAXON - THEY ARE THE BEST LIVE ACT and give 110% and again they did this and it can only give them and us hardcore fans more credit. Plus it looks like the documentary can never be a piss take now even it it was considered by channel4 because of this response at Lincoln.

(2)Age of fans- we were all young once & we will all get older if we are lucky (even the kids at the gig will get old). If you are a SAXON fan that's it for me. If you buy the stuff & go to gigs or even say a good word about them then that will do for me. I don't care what gender, age or race or plant. We should unite as SAXON fans-the more the merrier i say and unite against the crap music that is out there. If SAXON get more fans whether they be young or not i dont care as long as i can get to see them live and listen to their music then fine. As i said i would have been 7 when SAXON's first album came out. Imagine when i started to go and see saxon at fifteen if fans aged 30+ started to moan about me (F***ing teenagers-not real fans like us). People cannot help when they are born, their age or even when they are lucky enough to hear and see saxon. Don't slag off the youth or the old fans because we have a greater bond - SAXON.

(3) I read a lot of you complaining about the last Manchester gig & also mentioning about slamming & surfing at Lincoln. Sammi & PAXOMAN you both know me I am wild but the magic word is RESPECT. NEVER ever try and hurt a co-SAXON fan but sometimes people fall over, get crushed a boot in the head etc but as long as it is not deliberate and they apologise then thats ok fore me. Remember at Rock city PAX i went mad for a few songs and was holding on to people for blanace-never meant any harm and if i was headbanging like a man possessed next to you SAMMI you would be fine with as i wouldn't mean to crush etc & would make that clear. Furthermore, if slamming does take place, just move to the side or stay out of the kitchen. What i don't think is right is a large, moody guy standing down at the front not even moving an eye-lid. Then looking like he's waiting to rip anyones head off that even sweats on him. I love jumping & rocking and that what saxon make me do but remember RESPECT.
(4) I do agree if evey hard core fan that it seems as if we are last to know & that we are being over looked. This has to improve (Biff has highlighed this) It would be nice if a free (don't mind paying )small secret gig for those on here to attend was to materialise in the future as a thanks but then we would probibly argue about where to hold it. You can't please everyone. I think we need to chill a bit. Their are two sides to every story and i think we need to lay off Thomas a bit. Biff ain't no school boy. He's been in the business for a while now and been shafted in the past. He ain't going to do nothing that he and the band & management don't think is for the best for all concerned. At the end of it- it is their life & living.


*puh* very much to read but i think i understood your pov

well, WE are not fighting - never !



is a very good stand-alone sentence and i think these thoughts let us all smile again

looking forward to the next tour - to the next (south) america gigs - to the next dvd and other things to come

One thing i used to hate at it in the 80s when olduns used to frown on me like i was not metal enough or or was to young to be there.You gotta give it to the younger fans,getting into to Saxon(who are old farts) takes some.If Saxon want to a gig for young fans only then i take my hat off to them.
I used to go and see King Prawn a lot and they would often do 16+ gigs and me and my mates would be the oldest by far.The wierd thing was when it was an 18+ gig there would be a lot more older punks,it was almost if they had stayed because of the age issue.Saxon can only benefit from attracting younger fans.
Saxonmckenz - Good points well made. However I have to say, I don't think anyone has been fighting, not with each other anyway. It was just loyal fans showing how pissed off they were. And I don't think it is just because of the Lincoln gig, but that was definitely the final straw. It has just been months, and even years, of piss poor communication from the Saxon camp towards it's loyal fans.

As for the young fans and their moshing. Well I'm hardly a shrinking violet at a gig who just stands there at the back tapping his feet! I am always at the front, in the thick of it, jumping and generally going crazy. But you hit the nail on the head, the word is RESPECT. Like you, I wouldn't deliberately go slamming into people, or jump all over them. I am capable of having my own 'party' in my own little space. Or going crazy with the people I'm with, or others down the front who are into it. What I saw in those pictures from the Lincoln gig is what I have seen at a lot of gigs over the last few years. Young kids showing absolutely NO RESPECT for fellow fans, who have paid good money for their ticket and who don't want to have their evening spoiled. And it is not as if you are putting yourself in the firing line down at the front. I have been at gigs and stood at the back, or the sides, and still get some tosser landing on my head or kicking me in the face as they go surfing by. I personally think that surfing is the most pointless, stupid, dangerous thing you can do at a gig. I once had someone at a Soil gig land on me, and christ knows how he never broke my neck. Funnily enough, he had taken his top off, as is the want of the younger gig goer these days. Well I showed him exactly what I thought of him, and there is not one single surfer who passes over my head without getting a crack in the bollocks for his trouble.

I'm all for Saxon fans uniting, young and old. But respect is indeed the word. But from my experiance of 'younger' gig goers, they haven't got any. The only thing that they do have is shit for brains.
Saxonmckenz - I agree with you on the point that some people just stand at the front looking mean and moody and not getting into the music - I wonder why they are there and why don't they stand to the side? They do piss me off. As do the people who wear ear plugs, but insist on standing right at the barrier.

What I don't agree with is the "stand to the side or get out of the kitchen" statement. You know how small I am - If I stand at the back, or side, I might as well not be there, I won't see a thing! I should be able to go to the gig, stand where I like and not be at risk from some dickhead pushing his mates into me, or falling on my head. Why can't they just enjoy themselves like everyone else, a bit (ok, a lot!) of jumping, headbanging, whatever, and I have no problem with that, I like to get into it myself and have had a fair amount of jostling, etc (which doesn't bother me) - but why does it have to involve something that can end up with someone else getting hurt, no matter how unintentional? You're a big strapping fella (and lovely with it!), try putting yourself in a 7 stone, 4ft 10 inch persons shoes (size 2's! lol), and it's a totally different perspective. If someone kicks me in the face, "sorry" just wouldn't cut any ice with me. But, of course, we're all entitled to our opinion - and if I don't like it, I can always stay at home, can't I? :)
saxonmckenz said:


Look forward to seeing you at the front on the next Tour, SaxonMcKenzie - and loads of gigs in the future !!! :rock: :kickass: :rock:

Biff's message was most appreciated, and has now helped set the record straight.

With the lack of information at the time, there was much speculation, rumour and confusion over several issues. Many real Saxon fans were understandably quite pissed off, and expressed their strong feelings of the time on this official message board. Previous posts had highlighted the Fans’ concerns over a Channel 4 documentary - which has so often ended in tears and humiliation for the subjects concerned. When we heard rumours of a secret gig, no wonder we were frustrated (as you were - especially when it was in your home town !) that we were not first to know; and even more so since it seemed that we were excluded from the event.

However, Biff’s subsequent message explains why the gig was so secretive, and that it is not a “reality show”. Biff’s message also proves that Biff and the Band are aware of the true Fans’ feelings, through this Message Board. This Channel 4 documentary seems to be a very positive endeavour for Saxon, and great exposure for the Band, especially since Harvey Goldsmith is involved - as Biff says “… we´re are trying to make a massive effort to target England to bring the profile back up …”.

Biff also shows that he is in touch with our true fans’ feelings as he says “… there will be many other things happening, as soon as we can tell people what´s happening - you´ll be the first to know. “

There has been much heated debate over the last few days / weeks - but Biff’s message hopefully will put an end to this, and we can all continue to keep the faith !!

Cheers and see you at the front !!!,:rock: :rock: :kickass:

Sammi951 said:
And who, then, is responsible for hiring the Management, if not the band themselves? If I had hired a manager who turned out to be total shite, I'd give him his marching orders - not let him keep on bollocksing things up and annoying my fan base, that's for sure!!

One of Waysteds managers in 2004 told them they couldn't drink before a show........they sacked him :rock:
Cheers for the response guys.

Yep your right Sammi, you have the right to stand where you want and where you can see. But anyone who has paid for a ticket has the right to express themselves in any way they want to as well (AS LONG AS IT IS RESPECTFUL). Tell you what the next gig we are at i' ll stand next to you and paxoman and they will land on my big metalhead, or even better we could get you on stage and you could target any DISREPECTFUL slammer and dive onto them with high heels on or even pax could wear them.

RE: fighting paxoman: I mentioned that because their did seem to be anamosity emerging between us hardcore and older fans & the possible new young fans, even not so long ago with our SAXON friends in the USA if you recall some posts. I totally agree that it all stems from frustration at the lack of info but hopefully this will not be the case from now on. BUT REMEMBER HOW HARD IT WAS TO GET ANYTHING ABOUT SAXON BEFORE THIS SITE. When i lived in scotland the only info i could get was from the KERRANG & you can imagine how little that was. It was more likely for pax to fall in a bath in Berlin than getting info on saxon during the 90s.

CHEERS wilks, goss, saxonator, mad dan & all. I'll be respectful standing on your feet at a gig near you.
I was at the Lincoln gig Friday and I'd just like to say a big 'nice one' to your boys. Heavy Rock isn't my usual cup of tea, but Saxon were superb on the night - so that's me converted. I also think it's good that the reaction of the kids was so positive as I have a sneaking suspicion the Channel 4 team was hoping they'd die on their arse to demonstrate what an out-dated image they have. That this didn't happen is testamount to their professionalism.

As for it being a bunch of kids in the audience and not 'the hardcore', well ... judging by the comments on here, you lot have seen Saxon a hell of a lot of times whereas they haven't. Perhaps the next time you go to see them you might find some of those kids in the audience with you, and surely that's a good thing isn't it? Those kids might now go out and buy a Saxon album, and the more that do, the more record executives and promoters sit up and take notice. With this, the other things that are planned, the documentary and the subsequent press coverage, you might find your favourite band treated with a hell of a lot more respect than they are now. Worth missing a gig for? I'd say so.
haha, thAT crowd pic may be the funniest thing ive ever seen, talk about the wrong people ending up at the wrong pub on the wrong night.

classic, props to who posted that
MrO said:
I was at the Lincoln gig Friday and I'd just like to say a big 'nice one' to your boys. Heavy Rock isn't my usual cup of tea, but Saxon were superb on the night - so that's me converted. I also think it's good that the reaction of the kids was so positive as I have a sneaking suspicion the Channel 4 team was hoping they'd die on their arse to demonstrate what an out-dated image they have. That this didn't happen is testamount to their professionalism.

I also get the feeling that Channel 4 were waiting to do a hatchet job on Saxon. I'm guessing right now that they are going round to old folks houses to get footage of a tea dance, so that they can replace the crowd with Grannies on Zimmer frames.

If the intention of Channel 4 was to rip the piss out of Saxon, I don't think it matters who was there on the day... I'm sure that they can present this show from whatever angle they want and get away with it.

Hopefully everything is on the level and C4 will play fair, so it looks like you all may of helped the cause - Thanks!
MrO said:
I was at the Lincoln gig Friday and I'd just like to say a big 'nice one' to your boys. Heavy Rock isn't my usual cup of tea, but Saxon were superb on the night - so that's me converted. I also think it's good that the reaction of the kids was so positive as I have a sneaking suspicion the Channel 4 team was hoping they'd die on their arse to demonstrate what an out-dated image they have. That this didn't happen is testamount to their professionalism.

As for it being a bunch of kids in the audience and not 'the hardcore', well ... judging by the comments on here, you lot have seen Saxon a hell of a lot of times whereas they haven't. Perhaps the next time you go to see them you might find some of those kids in the audience with you, and surely that's a good thing isn't it? Those kids might now go out and buy a Saxon album, and the more that do, the more record executives and promoters sit up and take notice. With this, the other things that are planned, the documentary and the subsequent press coverage, you might find your favourite band treated with a hell of a lot more respect than they are now. Worth missing a gig for? I'd say so.

Glad you did like it. Thx mate for the good words!
saxonmckenz said:
Cheers for the response guys.

Yep your right Sammi, you have the right to stand where you want and where you can see. But anyone who has paid for a ticket has the right to express themselves in any way they want to as well (AS LONG AS IT IS RESPECTFUL).

I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one - I can't see how you can "respectfully" fall on someone/kick them in the head. All I will say is this - if anyone does happen to fall on me or kick me, then I will respectfully kick them in the balls - purely by accident, whilst I'm in the throes of enjoying the music! I have nothing against "young" fans at all (helloooooo Metal Dude!! lol), I just don't like the crowd surfing/slamming stuff, whether it is by the younger fans (and it usually is!) or by the older fans.
MrO said:
I was at the Lincoln gig Friday and I'd just like to say a big 'nice one' to your boys. Heavy Rock isn't my usual cup of tea, but Saxon were superb on the night - so that's me converted. I also think it's good that the reaction of the kids was so positive as I have a sneaking suspicion the Channel 4 team was hoping they'd die on their arse to demonstrate what an out-dated image they have. That this didn't happen is testamount to their professionalism.

As for it being a bunch of kids in the audience and not 'the hardcore', well ... judging by the comments on here, you lot have seen Saxon a hell of a lot of times whereas they haven't. Perhaps the next time you go to see them you might find some of those kids in the audience with you, and surely that's a good thing isn't it? Those kids might now go out and buy a Saxon album, and the more that do, the more record executives and promoters sit up and take notice. With this, the other things that are planned, the documentary and the subsequent press coverage, you might find your favourite band treated with a hell of a lot more respect than they are now. Worth missing a gig for? I'd say so.

If that gig has opened your eyes to some decent music, then it can be no bad thing :rock:

It's not just missing this gig that has pissed me off - it's like the final straw in a whole string of "let downs" by Saxon to it's fans in general (and in particular the fans in America/South America). How any of the fans in the U.S are still fans of the band, I don't know, because they have been let down more times than soft mick by Saxon! I'd have given up hope long ago.
Saxonmckenz, that is a well-written response to the now well-discussed Lincoln gig. You’ve got your point over accurately and acted the diplomat, between your friends that were at the gig and also frustrated long-standing Saxon fans, I applaud you for it!

I too have followed Saxon for many years travelled many miles and spent a lot of money in the process and I feel, like a lot of fans helped contribute to Saxons success. So when I hear of a secret gig to be played quite local to me, I want to be part of it! Compounded by the fact it’s a TV documentary that I thought was paying tribute to Saxon’s career. I’m thinking they must want some hard-core fans there. Why have we not been told? The hassle and phone calls I made to try and get there paid off and although I don’t post on this forum often, I felt it was my duty to report back to everyone here with a review of the night and hopefully throw light upon the secrecy.

Like you I think it is easier to list the following points, the way I saw it!


If Lincoln is your hometown, you must know this venue well. As I stated before, I arrived at 5.30 doors to open at seven o’clock. They got us queuing round by the side door, down the alley then down the road. There were about fifty people in front of me so I knew there was a good chance of getting in. What happens when the doors open!! The queue hardly moves because people were walking into the pub, making out they were going for a piss, then queue jumping. I managed to get in but only just, that was the first thing that sucked!!

The next thing I witnessed concerned your mate! The one with the Killing Ground sweat shirt. He and his girlfriend may of got past the doorman downstairs but it was upstairs, I saw them both approach some people, I think they were trying to get a photo. The way these people brushed them aside with a wave of the hand then turning of the back, sucked!! TV contracts and the whole format of the documentary was dictating peoples attitudes!!

As far as the gig itself, as always Saxon were brilliant, I never said they weren’t I just didn’t mention the performance as not to rub salt into the wounds of others. I enjoyed the set, the band delivered the goods!


I thought it was great to see the young getting into Saxon they witnessed a great night and I would welcome them at any future gigs. I was fourteen when I first saw the band.


It’s metal, powerful music; I expect it as long as the respect is there for others to enjoy it their way. I’ll still get in there myself when I’ve had some Red Bull!!!


As others have said this is the real problem, that web site!! Biff has spoken so maybe things now will move forward. But he mentioned it back in October 2005 -

"We're thinking about opening a new section on the web site, a dedicated website for e-mails and varies other things called Militia Guard e.g. Downloads, Photograph's etc. We're also thinking about starting a webring, we're gonna post which country's where we need websites setting up. We'll keep you posted.

That's all for now folks. Keep the Faith

Biff "

It’s gotta be on the cards, fingers crossed!
MrO said:
I was at the Lincoln gig Friday and I'd just like to say a big 'nice one' to your boys. Heavy Rock isn't my usual cup of tea, but Saxon were superb on the night - so that's me converted. I also think it's good that the reaction of the kids was so positive as I have a sneaking suspicion the Channel 4 team was hoping they'd die on their arse to demonstrate what an out-dated image they have. That this didn't happen is testamount to their professionalism.

As for it being a bunch of kids in the audience and not 'the hardcore', well ... judging by the comments on here, you lot have seen Saxon a hell of a lot of times whereas they haven't. Perhaps the next time you go to see them you might find some of those kids in the audience with you, and surely that's a good thing isn't it? Those kids might now go out and buy a Saxon album, and the more that do, the more record executives and promoters sit up and take notice. With this, the other things that are planned, the documentary and the subsequent press coverage, you might find your favourite band treated with a hell of a lot more respect than they are now. Worth missing a gig for? I'd say so.

Fair enough points MrO. Glad you enjoyed it and hopefully you'll go and see Saxon when they tour next year.

Maybe our dream of a return to the Hammy for Saxon isn't such a distant one after all! :)

"Your not getting tired are ya...........???????"
Sammi951 said:
I have nothing against "young" fans at all. I just don't like the crowd surfing/slamming stuff, whether it is by the younger fans (and it usually is!) or by the older fans.

My point exactly. I have nothing against a 'New New Wave Of British Heavy Metal', as it were. I have nothing against a whole bunch of new young Saxon fans either. Great stuff, bring it on! However, I do have plenty against mindless idiots at gigs (who do tend to be quite young) spoiling it for everyone else . Despite what Saxonmckenz says, just because they have bought a ticket, it doesn't entitle them to ruin other peoples enjoyment of a gig. Just because I've made a reservation at a restaurant, it doesn't entitle me to go and piss over someone elses dinner!

It would be great to see some young 'uns at future Saxon gigs. I was 11 at my first Saxon gig. But lets have some common sense and some respect. By all means going f*****g crazy, because I will be. But don't go slamming into people who don't want to know, or try throwing people into the middle of a mosh pit. This is all stuff I have seen many times at gigs, and always done by kids. But I havent seen it at a Saxon gig, and I don't want to thanks very much.