Disappointing news regarding Mickey/Mouse Saxon

I'm afraid I still don't know what your going on about Crusader! That link you done wouldn't display. It wasn't posted on this website was it? (My supposed comment I mean). But rest assured it's nothing to do with me. Don't know if someone is having a wind up, or whether there is another Paxoman. But in any case, I didn't say well done O/D and wouldn't, because I think they are total crap! You can read on the O/D guestbook what I really think about them!

I want to hear your metal shout jmillion, it sounds good. I did try it before but couldn't get it to work. I'll try it again.
There's three Saxon skins to Winamp, I use the Metalhead, it rocks :rock: And if downloading winamp, I prefer the original updated version(2) not the new (3) Saxon skins to Winamp 2.81
Scroll down a bit and search fopr Saxon
Ok now I understand. I DEFINITELY DID NOT WRITE THAT. I never even saw that before until jmillion posted the link. The shit English should tell you it wasn't me!

It's probably some twat O/D fan having a laugh. If that person is reading this, you need to get out more you sad bastard!
On a swedish onlinemusicshop, I searched "Saxon" to see the new dvd price etc... and there it was, O/D Saxons "Rock has Landed"!!! and the worst is, that O/D's, or M/M's new dvd came up when I searched for Saxon!... This gets me mad:mad: Swedish musicshop Search saxon to the left, and you can understand a bit.
Originally posted by Crusader
On a swedish onlinemusicshop, I searched "Saxon" to see the new dvd price etc... and there it was, O/D Saxons "Rock has Landed"!!! and the worst is, that O/D's, or M/M's new dvd came up when I searched for Saxon!... This gets me mad:mad: Swedish musicshop Search saxon to the left, and you can understand a bit.

Man that fucking SUCKS!!!!:mad:
I think this thread has set the record for the number of people looked at it, when I write this it's 660!It wouldn't surprise me much if it's stops at 700 lol! :OMG:
Originally posted by Crusader
On a swedish onlinemusicshop, I searched "Saxon" to see the new dvd price etc... and there it was, O/D Saxons "Rock has Landed"!!! and the worst is, that O/D's, or M/M's new dvd came up when I searched for Saxon!... This gets me mad:mad: Swedish musicshop Search saxon to the left, and you can understand a bit.

To be fair, at least there is an explanation as to what Oliver-Dawson Saxon is on the page of the DVD.

And I just ordered it and I ordered the Son Of A Bitch album Victim you for the fourth time, maybe I'll get it this time. Hey, I like their music even if the singer is really, really bad.
I need something while waiting for the Saxon Chronicles, which I'm sure will be amazing.
Well, I got the O/D Saxon DVD and I must say that the vocalist's appearance and on-stage performance is as bad as his "singing" and voice. He looks like a punk relic - a Billy Idol wannabe, with a punk attitude and looks.

Oliver looks old and Dawson looks wrongplaced. All in all they don't give a very professional impression. But the music works! The Saxon classics obviously are pure class and I like their new, own material too. The other guitarist is pretty good. It's a pity though that a guy like that is allowed to scream out the Saxon classics...But I might very well buy an album of new material by them, despite the singer.

On the topic of two sides to every story the interview on the following link might be of interest, http://www.getreadytorock.com/rock_stars/graham_oliver.htm

Let me just state, to be clear enough, that in my opinion there is no Saxon without Biff.