Metal Defender
Apr 6, 2006
I Love Saxon!! I made a thread about this in the past and I'm gonna try again! I have SAXON on vinyl and also have over 2,000 CD's but only one SAXON on CD. Out of 2,000 only one Saxon...that's sad

sorry guys..

I see them listed on AMAZON (sorta pricey) but yet "Borders" or other outlets will/cannot order them for me. Everyone tells me the same shit. (Out Of Print). I mean..C'Mon!!

When are there going to be any U.S. reissues of the back catalog so some of us can fix this.

Any info?...Thanks.:kickass:
Go to a chain Cd store that sells used CDs. They can search their database for saxon titles in all there locations. Thats pretty much how i get most of my saxon titles. (usually very cheap) Most record stores will only stock the latest saxon releases and usually not some of the previous titles cause they probally only got 1 or 2 shipped when the title was new.
fye.. but VERY expensive as mentioned. They're around, I buy most of my stuff used for no more than 7 bucks.
I know it's not one of thier best albums,but Rock the Nations is finally being re-released on cd on the 7th of have it up for pre order for £7.99 No bonus tracks on it though which is a shame.
Over the years I've managed to collect all of Saxon's studio albums on CD. I bought some online and found others at Best Buy or the Navy Exchange. I also have a bunch of live CDs and compilations. It took a long time to find all this stuff, but it was certainly worth the effort!