Having seen Saxon on their last jaunt here in Bradford and Bolton I don't think there is enough interest in the provinces to justify playing such gigs. I know in Bradford there was some confusion as to which Saxon were playing as the O/D abomination had supported Graham Bonnet (or someone) at the same venue shortly before. I suggest getting yourselves over to Germany. I saw the boys in Nuremburg and Osnabruck last year and the crowds over there were really up for it. They greeted new tracks as well as the oldies whereas,if you are honest, Brit crowds just wait for 747,Dallas,Wheels etc before participating. I'm sad to say it but there doesn't appear to be a viable market in UK anymore. Can you believe no promoter tried to get RUSH to play here! I've also just found out the Monsters of Rock at Sheffield will be played using the half-arena stage. SCANDALOUS!