Well just about everyone I met from the LA mtal scene was a jerk. Except Jani Lane from Warrent, and the boys from Armored Saint were pretty cool to, theres just too many fucked up people to really name. But I put them all in prety much the same catagorie as dawliverxon(o/dsaoxon, and from now on I will refer to them as dawliverxon as attatchin the name saxon to these to are nots is almost a capitol crime). We did some shows with Dirty Looks wich had a guy from Erie Hennrik Ostergaard there playing guitar, and they were all cool, buy the way Dio's stage manager on the Angry Machines tour can still kiss my ass, I wasn't looking to do the music thing professionally if it ment I had to be a piece of wet cardboard and not try REAL HARD to put on the best show for the paying public that I could. JERK. He got all pissy with us cause we wern't "profesionall" and went out there and ripped the roof off the fuckin place. Too bad if we made the headliner work for their paycheck that night. It's not about the bands buddy, it's about the fans getting their $ worth for it, after all, if the fans ain't spendin the $, on cd's, tickets, t-shirts, posters, etc. ,etc., etc., then there would be no reason for a concert, a tour or the band. And I can't even count the times I paid good money, and got left with a shitty preformance. That's why I'm thankfull for bands like Saxon, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Motorhead, and all others of their ilk that don't compromise on their fans. At least not on tour.Well that's it for now, see ya later, Rob.