Saxon Interview Questions?

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
Saxon have done a lot of interviews in the career I'm sure, and people here have probably read a lot of them!

But what would you ask the band personally if you spoke to them? I expect it is hard to think of interesting questions that they haven't talked about 100 times before, but what would you want to know most?
Damn, this is a hard question! I need a lot of time to think about this :tickled:
Why Quinn doesn't have mustaches? Big mustaches!
I was lucky enough to chat to Nibbs when Saxon played the US a few yrars ago.

I asked him what bands he was into. We spoke about the bands he's played with, what the difference between a US & UK crowd was.

He was a real down to earth guy.

High On Maiden, do you know Kev (Lord Summerisle) ? he's seen you guys alot over there and says you guys are great:cool:
High On Maiden said:
interesting - can you explain more?

it seems that more than a few of their songs deal with imperialism and empire and almost glorify it in ways (e.g. crusader, sailing to america, conquistador, how do you feel about this aspect of humanity? and has there been a change in your viewpoint as you have toured america? (note the philosophy behind the great white buffalo as opposed to that in sailing to america)

there are also a lot of your songs that deal with war, with various underlying expressions about the positive and negative qualities (e.g. power and the glory, warrior, broken heroes, all guns blazing, do you see life as a constant battle? (even if not standing in the proverbial trenches - if that is even possible)

then I'd ask about how the idea of justice is portrayed in their lyrics, the idea of the unknown and metaphysical (beyond the grave

and most likely a few follow up questions related the the answers of the above...

What the fuck.
Heres me thinking they were metal song about stuff that metal bands wrote.Although you could also ask whether songs like Rockin Again,This town rocks,rock city or rock the naitions had hidden meaning.Or was eock nroll gypsy about the problems that affect people of no fixed aboad.

Impenitent said:
it seems that more than a few of their songs deal with imperialism and empire and almost glorify it in ways (e.g. crusader, sailing to america, conquistador, how do you feel about this aspect of humanity? and has there been a change in your viewpoint as you have toured america? (note the philosophy behind the great white buffalo as opposed to that in sailing to america)

there are also a lot of your songs that deal with war, with various underlying expressions about the positive and negative qualities (e.g. power and the glory, warrior, broken heroes, all guns blazing, do you see life as a constant battle? (even if not standing in the proverbial trenches - if that is even possible)

then I'd ask about how the idea of justice is portrayed in their lyrics, the idea of the unknown and metaphysical (beyond the grave

and most likely a few follow up questions related the the answers of the above...

Impenitent said:
it seems that more than a few of their songs deal with imperialism and empire and almost glorify it in ways (e.g. crusader, sailing to america, conquistador, how do you feel about this aspect of humanity? and has there been a change in your viewpoint as you have toured america? (note the philosophy behind the great white buffalo as opposed to that in sailing to america)

there are also a lot of your songs that deal with war, with various underlying expressions about the positive and negative qualities (e.g. power and the glory, warrior, broken heroes, all guns blazing, do you see life as a constant battle? (even if not standing in the proverbial trenches - if that is even possible)

then I'd ask about how the idea of justice is portrayed in their lyrics, the idea of the unknown and metaphysical (beyond the grave

and most likely a few follow up questions related the the answers of the above...

That's cool, that's one of the main things I would want to ask them!

Personally, I love the patriotic nature of Saxon's lyrics, being an Englishman, and I think they're one of few bands that seem to stand up for Britishness and being proud of our past.

By the way, to whoever asked - I am not part of the Maiden tribute band "Hi-On Maiden", I just nicked the name! :( Although they are awesome, still one of the best concerts I've seen!

Any more things you lot would ask Saxon?
Impenitent said:
it seems that more than a few of their songs deal with imperialism and empire and almost glorify it in ways (e.g. crusader, sailing to america, conquistador, how do you feel about this aspect of humanity? and has there been a change in your viewpoint as you have toured america? (note the philosophy behind the great white buffalo as opposed to that in sailing to america)

there are also a lot of your songs that deal with war, with various underlying expressions about the positive and negative qualities (e.g. power and the glory, warrior, broken heroes, all guns blazing, do you see life as a constant battle? (even if not standing in the proverbial trenches - if that is even possible)

then I'd ask about how the idea of justice is portrayed in their lyrics, the idea of the unknown and metaphysical (beyond the grave

and most likely a few follow up questions related the the answers of the above...


I think they have allways kind a critizised war, but I'm not sure about Lionheart though. Sure, they have song like Conquistador and those guys were well known of their brutality (maybe not all though), but I think they still find it very intresting, those conquistadors.

But to know what they really think, we must ask that from the band itself. I'm not sure though if I want to hear the answer :)

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