Saxon or Diamond Head?

Dee Snarl

Enormous Member
Feb 6, 2006
I haven't posted here forever, but I thought you guys could offer me some expertise. In a couple of weeks, Saxon/Fozzy and Diamond Head/Raven are playing back-to-back nights at the same club here in Seattle. Of course, I wish they'd combine forces into a NWOBHM extravaganza, but that notwithstanding, I'm thinking I can make one of these shows. I don't have a whole ton of experience with any of these bands beyond reputation (and the obvious Diamond Head/Metallica connection), and I'm wondering which show I should check out. I'm stoked to see all these bands, except I really don't care about Fozzy, AND IMPORTANTLY, I saw Diamond Head a year or two ago - it was awesome, but you know, not life-changing. My child-care arrangement probably makes the Diamond Head show quite a bit more convenient, but there's not much you can do about that. I think I know the answer here, but I'm just looking for input. Thanks!!
I don't care about Fozzy either but I'm a rabid Saxon fan, so I would have chosen Saxon any given day.

IMO Diamond Head has no relevance beyond "Lightning To The Nations" and I never could get into Raven. But Saxon have relentlessly putting quality albums out there since 1979.

Despite line-up changes, label problems and the fact they never made it as big as Iron maiden, I think Saxon IS the most genuine band coming out of NWOBHM after all these years. Their last album kick ass, and I'm sure anything they do live worth the ticket.
Neverminding their recent albums and simply regarding the performance, every time I saw Saxon those last few years, they kicked some serious ass. You got Biff running all over the stsge, banging that sagely white hair he's got himself, and you get Nibbs of course - probably the most seriously headbanging bassplayer since Cliff Burton passed away. The rest of the band performs well enough as well.
Plus, you usually get a good mix of old classics plus a couple of the newer songs - though you have to put it to them, they know how to pick the strong tracks among their new material. I've never been disappointed by those guys (except by the fact that they never play the 4th verse of Denim & Leather - the one about the different instruments...)
Between Saxon and Diamond Head, I would choose Diamond Head. I don't know enough of Saxon's stuff though.

Because Fozzy is playing with them though, I would go with Fozzy in a heartbeat. Saw them a few years ago and they were awesome.
Thanks guys! Wow, such variety - I was actually expecting a decidedly Saxon consensus. And I am in fact leaning toward them, if my diplomatic skills hold true... BUT, if I'm not pressing my luck, it occurs to me I could still yet see Helloween the Sat. before (this coming Sat., 3 days before Saxon, 4 before DH, that is). I'd kind of ruled that out, because I'm seeing Between the Buried and Me the night before (*cough* my interests are multitudinous), but hey, sometimes you just gotta say WTF, right? So, my new question: Helloween or Saxon?? I've never seen Helloween before. And much as I know you want to, don't tell me to skip BTBAM for Helloween - that ship has already sailed! :P
Helloween do mostly their newer stuff live, so if you're into that it's a pretty close call between the two. Personally, I'm more into the Hansen/early Kiske-stuff, and was a bit disappointed on that behalf when I sawthem earlier this year. Also, I found their show to be rather lame - they had Gamma Ray along as support, and while they did a rocking cool show, Hellowen was a lot more static - especially Weiki, who looked like there was no place he less wanted to be at that time than that stage he was standing on.
At least Markus was fun, as always. But then, Saxon also have a very fun basspalyer... ;)

Long story short, my advice'd be: To hell with BTBAM, go see Helloween and Saxon :D

Helloween ceased to be interesting long ago. Saw them on the Keeper 3 tour for free and still regret LOL. Wish I saw them with Grapow and Kusch.

They're playing again in a couple of months with Gamma Ray and I'm not going.

If Saxon will play here I ask for vacations at work to camp outside the venue a couple of days before :D
I saw Saxon live 3 times in the last 4 years (the last time being 3 weeks ago) and they're a killer band. You can't go wrong with them. Still one of the best live bands.

I also saw Raven live for the very first time recently and they gave a killer show as well, even with very few people in front of them. They didn't care for those who were absent and gave 110% to the ones who decided to attend. Thumbs up!!
If it were me I'd go with Saxon. I've never had the pleasure to see them live but have heard on fantastic words and reviews of their shows. Diamond Head may be great but I only like a couple of tracks. I was one of the people that were introduced to Diamond Head by Metallica. I went back and tried to get into their catalog but after hearing the cover versions by Metallica I really liked the cover version better. Not a huge Raven fan. I really wanted to like them but just couldn't get into them back in the day. Fozzy I could tolerate. Jericho is a true metal fan so I can tolerate him for trying.
It's hard to beat "Lightning to the Nations". There is a reason METALLICA/MEGADETH were so inspired by this one.