Saxon @ Rock For Asia - 27/1/05


Sep 9, 2002
Saxon will be appearing at the Rock For Asia benefit show on 27th January 2005 at the Saturn Arena - Ingolstadt, Germany.


N.B. Is anyone else amazed at the image they have chosen in their title block at the top of their website?????????
Nice that Saxon does support this benefit show.. When I read the lyric of the Song : "Searching for Atlantis" "We live our lives.. but there's no certainty..they won't be washed away castles in the sand." I immediately did think of this song. I think its a good song to perform there because I think this lyric fits to that tragedy in these present days in that area of our planet due to that Tsumani... This time no "searching for Atlantis", but almost "searching for Thailand, "searching for Indonesia" searching for "Sri Lanka"..etc..

That image in the website? Solid ball of Rock? Aint that solid at all?:erk:
Mmmmmm.... It is kind of questionable, isn't it?

I'm afraid I can't agree with you, Heavy - it is not an appropriate image. If a loved one of mine was killed by, for example, a guy with a knife, I'm sure that a site concerning the murder would not contain that image (a guy with a knife) relating to the murder of my loved one.
On a more general note - if a site was constructed for the loss of people during a horrific hurricane, a picture of a hurricane, tornado etc. would not be used.
I think it comes down to the simple fact that a 'Wave' provides a nice, pleasant image to the viewer.
But the site has the best intentions and I'm sure this is simply down to the designers rushing and not thinking rationally. I wouldn't be suprised if the artwork is altered to a more tasteful display shortly.

It is hard for offence not to be made during times like this. Everyone has different perspectives and attitudes towards the situation and emotions are high.
I know that I offended a few people when I verbally stated that I did not know what all the fuss was about when Princess Di got killed. I still stand by my view on that matter, but I wish that I had kept my mouth shut and did not upset the people that I did upset!

Ultimately, we can blame the media for the poor taste that has been brought to the social taste buds. News channels are fighting and bragging regarding their early coverage and reporters are walking about like they have already received their Broadcaster's Award - a little like the crap they did in Iraq!

The worst moment for me was ITV News having some American guy saying, in a fairly casual way, 'It was like a warzone! It was like 9/11!'

To me, that is the height of poor taste - the statement completely reflects the culture we live in today!

Finally, I'm glad that Saxon are doing something and completely agree with the relevance of 'Searching For Atlantis'. But, ironically, some may find that song offensive and that is what makes the whole issue a very delicate one!
I have to say I find that image a bit dodgy myself. Being half Indian, I was actually worried that some of my family might have been affected. But fortunately their area doesn't seem to have been hit. Kudos to Sxon and the other bands for doing this, though!
Glad to hear it, Secret Weapon.
One of my best mates is Indian and her parents had gone back home for Xmas and the New Year. She was left in England with only her pals for company (poor thing!). When I heard the news, I phoned her immediately to make sure none of her family had been affected. Like your situation, her Mum, Dad and sisters were in an unaffected area. But having that small connection with the incident really brings it home to you. God knows how my friend felt when she first heard about it all!
I have just this minute listened to 'Searching For Atlantis'. It would be a great and relevant song for Saxon to play as a tribute, because it is all about searching for happiness and to better yourself, but not knowing what is around the corner and you could lose it all. So maybe you should be happy with what you have. Well, that is my understanding of the song anyway.

Unfortunately, many people probably wouldn't understand the song and think it is in bad taste. A shame, but as Nightwar said, you have to be careful not to cause offence.
Paxo - yeah, you pretty much summed up all what 'Searching for Atlantis' expresses to me. Great minds think alike, eh?
I also utterley agree that, at the present time, no matter what form of recognition you provide for the tragedy, a form of offence will be caused in some area or other.

I think the main message (my own opinion) in 'Searching For Atlantis' is so relevant -

'No Matter What Happens, Don't Give Up Hope'
I wondered who would have the drum duties myself?
Also has the show been recorded in anyway?
Cool mate! thanks for those links !

Great pics! always good to see biff kicking ass!

Anyone else here like In Extremo btw? good to see them doing something like that as well
valanx said:
I wondered who would have the drum duties myself?
Also has the show been recorded in anyway?

Rock for Asia – Fantastisches Event vor 2000 begeisterten Fans

ein DVD Mitschnitt und die Charity-Compilation sind in Vorbereitung.

(free translation by heavycelli)

Rock for Asia. Fantastic Event in front of 2000 outrages fans

a DVD-cut of the benefit-concert and charity-compilation is worked on at the moment

under the button (german banner) ===> then ..button (aktuelle news)

strange that there is nothing to this under the english banner, but ok who am I?
Scheisse man!!!!

A pitty I didnt know this, saw it today on the Bonfire too late,missed it (Thats what I mean with up-to-date, keine Kritik!!! Well meant..)

Rock for Asia
TV on 10-02-2005
Bayrisches Fernsehen
ab 23 Uhr 30.

Somebody did see it???

I read something on the Crystalball website

It's show time! Just this thursday ,February the 10th 2005, German TV station ARD/ Bayrischer Rundfunk will broadcast scenes from the charity gala "Rock for Asia" around 23.30! Further TV-dates: April the 2nd on German ARD/WDR "Rockpalast" or get the DVD even earlier, it's avaiable from the 3rd of March 2005.
For more news and information:

So watch out for Rockpalast 2 april ARD WDR !!!!!!!!
when I looked on the bonfire website and listened to those mp3 tunes I listened to a song under the button cacumen--song Bad Widow..... it did remind me of Saxon songs in the early days... just had to mention it:)

denim and leather-album song "never surrender-kind alike?"