Saxon Shows 2004-2005

I know exactly where you are coming from Mr HeavyCelli!
I tend to listen to the music and then read the lyrics later - without the music - to see if I picked up the correct vibe to the song. Like you said, the writer can mean one thing and I can perceive it in an entirely different way!
A little like 'Princess Of The Night' - it can mean so many things!

I think that's the lot, Bert!
I know! It seems amazing that there are only a few gigs in the UK! I'm sure there are more fans to cater for than that!
Surely, you'd prefer to see Saxon - as opposed to Magnum - wouldn't you?
Come on - Biff is an institution! This may be the last chance to see a UK Saxon gig!
nightwar,I've mentioned before that I've spent considerable time and money following Saxon in germany not to mention running into some particularly obnoxious squaddies whilst in Munster (why are they still there?). I thought it'd be nice if they came to me this time!!!! Magnum always visit our area and are great entertainment and pleasant chaps to boot! If the choice is a 4 hour drive to Glasgow,hotel accommodation,meals etc or a taxi ride in to Town and a fine curry in the 'Curry capital' of Britain' afterwards then there's no comparison. I would prefer to see both but there you go!:headbang:
You put it nice and clear, Bert. Understood fair & square! I didn't know that you've seen the guys so many times.
As for Squaddies - tell me about it. Maybe they should not exist at all, let alone in Munster! I was obliged to participate in their friday night festivities a few years ago (in other words, I had the crap kicked out of me for no good reason!). All I can say is that our Armed Forces weren't well represented!
Anyhow, enjoy the Magnum gig and have yourself a great curry!
I must admit, I only know Magnum by name - I presume they are pretty good these days, yeah? Maybe I should check their website or something?
Nightwar,they are playing Bristol Bierkeller on October 3rd. A new album is due out on 30th August. I can recommend Bob Catley's (Magnum vocalist) album called 'When Empires Burn'. Check them out you might like 'em.
Hi Folks -

Brand new here - but an Old Git as you can see :D

Well I have been a fan for oh...far 2 many years and remember seeing Saxon at the Edinburgh Playhouse 3 or 4 times - still have the ticket stubs - met Nigel and Paul a few times but never Biff. I remember Paul turning up with Nigel in an old blue Escort in the car park at the Playhouse ! Magnum were playing the previous night and turned up in a gold Cadillac ! Most amusing.

Well I'm rambling on here - cant believe Saxon are playing King Tuts in Glasgow - its a really small venue - I now work backstage on the crew at the Edinburgh Playhouse - mmmhh - must ask the boss if the venue is free

Anyway - hello to you all - glad to see the fans still exist !!

Looking forward to the new album

Hi, Old Git - Welcome to the forum! It's great to see that there are so many of us Saxonites out there, yeah! Nice little story, by the way - Paul and Nigel can be so Un- Rock'n'Roll! Hilarious!
Bert - lots of thanks for that, Mate. Bristol is just down the road from me. I got the Bierkeller link for reference. Cheers!
Peter Day said:
Yep i'm going to the Wolverhampton gig and also London gig.
hopefully the new album will be out before the gigs, so we hard core followers can learn all the words and sing along (even if we have naff singing voices!)
Eagle Rock forever.

It's out September 20th. How can you not have already preordered the special edition from for £10.99?!?
RavenHeart - I know, I know! I'm gonna do it now, OK? I had to skive the afternoon off work to get home and make the order today!
Anyhow - what is so special about the Special Edition? Is it just a digipack, or is there something more to it?
Anyhoo - should be giving you commision! I was gonna wait for Amazon or retail otherwise!
Hey, Cindi - don't think the worst!
Who knows what will happen in the future? Besides, how does your mate know all these facts? Don't let 'em get you down!
The band may play closer than you think and, if you are really into them, what's to stop you having an adventure and travelling a little further than you anticipated?
I understand that your place is much, much bigger than the UK, but if you are serious about seeing the band you're going to see them no matter what!
Wait and see where the US dates are going to be and take it from there. Who knows, you may get some advice from a fellow US fan on the forum.
Anyhow, good luck with it and keep your fingers crossed!
The furthest that I've ever travelled for a concert is around five hundred miles from here to Columbia, SC. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant, but it was well worth the drive.
Who did I see??? One of the Fab Four!
It was Paul McCartney. :worship:
As a result of that and her dad's influence that baby (my 11 year old daughter) is a huge fan of the Beatles. She got to hear the concert in utero.
hey how is everyone,
been a while since i was last on.
Well i'm with Bert on Magnum...i think they are a great band to see live....and the new album rocks! seeing them on the friday before saxon in London...what a weekend that is going to be for me. Magnum then saxon twice in the same week! wow! Have to say though if it was a choice between Magnum and saxon on the same night...i think you can all guess who would lose out in the end.
might even make it a third saxon gig toying with the idea of maybe getting a flight from the midlands airport to glasgow to see them in King tuts (thats if it is not sold out)...however does Glasgow have a nearby airport? and how far is King tuts from there!!?? does anyone know these answers? i'm not saying i will be there just collecting info just in case i wake up on tuesday in wolves and go 'right thats it got to have more saxon and off i go to bonnie scotland for a gig'...i 'm impulsive sometimes.
Hey Old Git welcome.....would the playhouse survive the Saxon sound? wouldn't wanna destroy a fine old building in Edinburgh! ek :hotjump:
Cindi.......i'm sure Saxon will beover in the states in 2005.keep and eye on the site and i'm pretty sure that if you work things out you'll be able to catch them in a nearby city etc.... maybe the other USA rockers on here could help out with directions / where to stay / lifts from airports and all that...having been to the states twice i can only say i am still shocked by how big and how far things are away from one another! I seem to remember my friend going the wrong way on a freeway and then having to drive 100 miles out of our way before we could turn thats like from my house to the coast! and we can reach that on a good day in two hours.

I'll try and meet people who are going to Wolves in the little civic other than that i'm staying at the pub THe Wheatsheaf which is in the town centre area, guess i'll be having a few beers there as the new owner is a bit of a fan apparently.

Oh the new album is storming.fav tracks Witchfinder general / lionheart/ english man o war / to live by the sword.......but then again i like it all....the musicianship rocks.

The whole thing has just gone tits up!!!!!!!!I cant go to the London gig and I tell you how gutted I am.I might be able to get to Wolve gig but I doubt it.This was going to be gig of the year for me and I am Gutted.I can only hope that Saxon do some more dates in the UK next year.I hope you all have a fucking rocking time.Saxon are still one of the greatest metal bands of all time so those of you who aint seen them before you will be in for a real treat.

Sorry Pax,Macc,Sammi,Fingers and all the others I promised a drink to next time eh.