Say goodbye to Jen-Wei


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
Visit site
I realize no one here knows who in the hell Jen-Wei is, but she was simply a Chinese/Malaysian friend of mine of 25 years old who died. She was a special friend and I will miss her forever. Let's dedeicate a song for her....

Thats sucks man I Understand how you feel I remember a year ago when one of my best friends Killed himself I Listened to the song Alone you Breathe By savatage for days its a great song and it hurts like hell to hear it but it brings it out ........
Be strong Bro

If your on later tonight I can send it to ya
Thanks for the replies guys. It might seem strange for me to get that emotional about an internet friend halfway around the world, but I have known her for over five years. When I met her, she was only 19 and had the normal 19 year-old life problems. She always considered me her big brother and I more or less "watched" her go through college, her first "real" job etc. and evolve into a woman. Of course I am over it now but I thought a dedication in a forum would be a nice touch for her early departure.
