Say hello to the new CONFIRMATION


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Swedish Grammy Award winners Mustasch are officially confirmed for ProgPower USA IX. I'm truly excited to get such an amazing replacement that will continue to push the boundary of the festival.

Reviews for their latest release, "Lastest Version of the Truth:"

Sea of Tranqulity

Tartarean Desire

The Metal Observer

More tunes: Mustasch Myspace

Special thanks to John Cheek & Bill W for their continued support and sponsorship flexibility and to Thor for the reminder.
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DUDE!!!!!!! BEST. VIDEO. EVER. Song is absolutely killer too. I can't wait. I'm buying that CD today. Sounds like they took all my fave stoner bands like Monster Magnet, Fireball Ministry, and CoC and added some Megadeth or something. 10x more stoked over them than Volbeat!!!!!!
As chance would have it, I actually checked these guys out yesterday, as part of my pre-Sweden Rock research. In an e-mail on unknown SRF bands I exchanged with Jason, I stated my overall impression as, "Not bad".

I had never heard of them either. Amazingly they have a decent back catalog along with some killer videos. Glenn didn't post my fav so here you go:

I just purchased their album Ratsafari from Amazon MP3 (the normal CDs seem to be mostly import prices - save for a few indie dealers).
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Did you notice how quickly I posted a bunch of shit in that thread to bury your

Good call bro. I was shocked when you posted it.

Coolio :lol: I am actually rethinking about going now, with the addition Rob Rock, Saint Daemon and Mustache I am liking the fest a whole lot better..No offense :lol:
