Say it isnt GnR album release

I haven't seen any promotion for Chinese Democracy yet, but I don't listen to the radio and haven't been to JB since I bought it so maybe the shop is plastered with posters and there are radio ads every five minutes. I know not.

Still an awesome album though. Can't get enough of it. And no, I don't skip tracks - it strikes me as the sort of album that has to be listened to from start to finish every time, much like Angel Down and A Matter of Life and Death.
the 1st 3 are chinese democracy, shacklers revenge and better.

Better is my fav track its very popular song.

hmm n y the fuck has no single been released? he spends 17 years then gives it an icredibly half release with fuck all promotion!
I haven't seen any promotion for Chinese Democracy yet, but I don't listen to the radio and haven't been to JB since I bought it so maybe the shop is plastered with posters and there are radio ads every five minutes. I know not.

all the JB's I've seen have some posters and a display stand of GnR stuff.
nothing major in terms of promotion in store.
I love Riad N' the Bedouins! Probably my favourite track at the moment.

The only song I'm not 100% keen on is Catcher in the Rye. Everything else rules.
I love Riad N' the Bedouins! Probably my favourite track at the moment.

The only song I'm not 100% keen on is Catcher in the Rye. Everything else rules.

I agree with Catcher in The Rye. Seems pretty plain, especially considering Brian May originally played on it.
I've been listening to Riad N' The Bedouins for a good six months - basically, I'm sick of it! haha..
I tend to skip the first two, Catcher in the Rye and Sorry a fair bit when listening on my mp3 player, but listen to the album all the way through on cd. The shit nu metal intro and other parts on Shackler's Revenge piss me off. There's a few too many "yeah that one's ok" songs to make it a great album for me.
lol going by the sales of Chinese Democracy it looks like Axl's gonna have to get the original line up back together sans Adler to please the record executives :lol:
So the music is good... that still doesn't make him any less of a tool. He surrounds himself with good musicians and takes as much credit for it all as possible. If anything, that makes him more of a wanker.

I think the Buckethead saga is even more amusing now that the official release has finally seen the light of day. I remember when Buckethead split with them - late 2003 / early 2004? - Axl made a public spectacle about how Buckethead was unreliable, unpredictable, had a bad work ethic etc and basically blamed him for tours being cancelled and the album being delayed for so long. Step forward over four years to when it's finally released... guess who's playing is all over the first single? Who's credited on EVERY one of the songs that didn't leak before an official release? Not only that but in that same time frame he must have released about a dozen solo albums and been heavily involved in countless other side-projects, and pretty much all to a bloody high standard. How can someone who is such a supposed slacker and pain in the arse be so productive at the same time? How many people has Buckethead worked with and how many of those has he alienated (other than Mr Pose)? Now how many has Axl worked with? How many of those - and how many fans - has he alienated/pissed-off/fucked-over/generally been a cock to? Actions definitely speak louder than words there.

The number of people he blames for everything is outright comical - now he's even filing a law suit against Dr Pepper for disappointing Guns N Roses fans, giving them false expectations and other such random bullshit - even outright blaming them for "ruining the day of the album's release". What a fucking tool! Next he's going to be trying to sue the Catholic Church due to God making time move too fast and making the album look like it was released a decade too late.

I always thought he was a cock-head but what sealed the deal for me was at the Sydney show last year where, a couple songs into the show, he started going on like a big macho man personally challenging someone who called out for Slash then, when they actually stepped forward, he had a wall of security swarm over him and throw him out. It can be argued that the guy shouldn't have been calling anything out and this will probably sound very cliched but for fuck sake... the frontman of a band which supposedly epitomises the spirit of rock n roll having a crying fit over someone calling out an ex band member's name? With that kind of total lack of balls it's no wonder he squeals like a bitch in most of the songs. Even if you try and say he's in the right and it was the heckler's fault, the Guns N' Roses tour portfolio is plagued with similar incidents going back as far as the days of the real Guns N Roses line-up, with reasons ranging from similar hissy-fits (always blamed on someone else of course) through to cancelling whole legs of sold-out tours to 'make sure' the album comes out soon (usually gives a 6 month or so vague timeframe each time). The man is one of the biggest jokes going. It's just a shame that not nearly enough people can see the punchline.

I agree with everything you just said Ferret.

I always thought he was a cock-head but what sealed the deal for me was at the Sydney show last year where, a couple songs into the show, he started going on like a big macho man personally challenging someone who called out for Slash then, when they actually stepped forward, he had a wall of security swarm over him and throw him out. It can be argued that the guy shouldn't have been calling anything out and this will probably sound very cliched but for fuck sake... the frontman of a band which supposedly epitomises the spirit of rock n roll having a crying fit over someone calling out an ex band member's name? With that kind of total lack of balls it's no wonder he squeals like a bitch in most of the songs.

He's always done that. One their very first Aussie tour, he had the opening support act kicked off stage in the middle of their set because he found out the singer had made a half-joking remark about him being a prima donna. He got an Aussie band kicked off stage at an Aussie venue! Then, they came on over an hour late. And that was when they were still nobodies.
I agree that he is a prat, that is obvious to anyone, but I don't think you can deny his musical talent. As I said earlier, I consider him an absolute master when it comes to writing catchy as fuck melodies, and the song that is probably my favourite on the album was written by Axl alone. He has worked with great musos in the past, but he is a great muso himself. And a prat.