Say it isnt GnR album release

Y'know Mean Gene, all the reviews I read (OK, I've read two) go on about how over-produced the album is and mentions Pro Tools at every opportunity, but I can't hear it. I'm no audiophile, I know nothing about production except that Steve Harris should steer clear of it, so I'm starting to suspect that it's just a case of... well, if enough people sneeze then everyone catches a cold. Reviewers feel the need to mention the production and Pro Tools because everyone else is. *shrug*

Still awesome.
Yep, Spiffo was right about that. At least half the people who buy this album either aren't going to know what Pro-tools is, or won't care, so mentioning it in a review that's going to be published anywhere except in a muso's or soundie's mag is kinda pointless.
Hmm, never picked it. Shall have to listen again.

Yesterday was the first day since I bought it that I never listened to the album. Listened to it four times on Saturday and listen to it on the bus to work every day. Must be up to 30 listens by now.
Hmm, never picked it. Shall have to listen again.

Yesterday was the first day since I bought it that I never listened to the album. Listened to it four times on Saturday and listen to it on the bus to work every day. Must be up to 30 listens by now.

Well kinda (from about the 1 min mark for about 20 seconds) ... Sanj AND I were listening to it on Saturday arvo and both just started singing" Owner of a Lonely Heart " kinda crazy as we both thought it at the same time :goggly:
Critics should stear clear of talking about things like pro-tools if they don't understand them, which I think is often the case.
Add AutoTune to that list. Not that I'm at all a fan of or supportive of its use but it feels like whinging about AutoTune is the cool thing to do this year despite it having been used for well over a decade now without anywhere near so much attention (other than when Cher let the 'secret' out).

I think one factor is that picking out flaws in the way something was created makes otherwise ignorant reviewers think they look more cluey and informed to readers. Once enough people are saying something, other reviewers then have a choice - keep up with the Jones' or look like they're missing something everyone else seems to get.

I guess there's a silver lining to it though. I'd imagine a lot of producers/labels/etc are paying a lot more attention to things like clipping in their products before they ship after the "Death Magnetic" reaction for example.
The Dr Pepper that was released here is different to the stuff you buy in the US. The shit they sold here taste like fucking horrid cough medacine, but I tasted American Dr Pepper from a shop that imports that kind of stuff a few months ago and it wasnt too bad.
Really? :erk: I bought a case of it a few months ago from a fruit shop in Rouse Hill which imports all kinds of crazy drinks and, while it had been probably close to 10 years since the last time I'd tried it, it tasted the same to me. It's different but it grows on you.
I hear there are lots of good microbrews there though, which are a lot better than the mainstream stuff.

Does anyone else skip the first couple of songs on Chinese Democracy quite a lot, like I do?
I use to skip always to Better, but i've gotten into the first 2 tracks now.

also looks like GNR's latest album hasn't been that big a seller here! charts at #3 here with Pink and Kings of Leon ahead, only sold something like 20,000 copies which is quite low for such a well known mainstream band of this calibre.
Pink and Kings of Leon are cool though. At least it wasn't Boyzone or something fucking gay like that keeping it from the top. My brother knows a guy at the plant that handles a lot of big label pressings, and he reckons they made 160,000 copies of Chinese Democracy for the first print run here. Obviously they were expecting it to ship a lot more than it has. Look for it in the cut-out bin soon!