Hmm, never picked it. Shall have to listen again.
Yesterday was the first day since I bought it that I never listened to the album. Listened to it four times on Saturday and listen to it on the bus to work every day. Must be up to 30 listens by now.
Add AutoTune to that list. Not that I'm at all a fan of or supportive of its use but it feels like whinging about AutoTune is the cool thing to do this year despite it having been used for well over a decade now without anywhere near so much attention (other than when Cher let the 'secret' out).Critics should stear clear of talking about things like pro-tools if they don't understand them, which I think is often the case.
Really?The Dr Pepper that was released here is different to the stuff you buy in the US. The shit they sold here taste like fucking horrid cough medacine, but I tasted American Dr Pepper from a shop that imports that kind of stuff a few months ago and it wasnt too bad.