Say it isnt GnR album release


On the news station at my work, they reported that Axl has been awol since the release of the album and no-one really knows his current status as he hasn't made himself public at all and has made no press releases or anything regarding the albums release. I found it strange that they would report this randomly on the news at my work, when there has been no mention of him or his absence on the internet really. Weird.
Same with sportsmen and lots of others we the people have a tendency to idolise. It's one of the reasons I often don't really want to get to know someone I admire for their musical/sporting abilities. I'm afraid they'll end up being cunts and spoil my enjoyment of their work.
don't ya find it ironic how they spent $14 million making the bloody thing and then fork out sweet fuck all to promote it! Seriously it was a disaster waiting to happen with that mindset!
It's even leaving the US top 10 this week! IT WAS EVEN OUTSOLD BY A BLOODY COUNTRY ALBUM!!!

This has to be one of the biggest music bungles in history, seriously i think that rumour about Axl trying to reform the orig band could have some credit due to the fact that its the only thing that would get him out of this massive hole and please the record company!
I think they thought hype alone should have done enough to sell this, but it probably didn't help if Axl wasn't making himself available for interviews or press. Even the Rolling Stones and Paul McCartney do press for new stuff they do. I'm pretty sure he didn't even do press for the tour. I also think that it hasn't done as well as expected because it's so different from what people thought a GNR album would sound like. A lot of people who grew up with GNR want GNR to sound like Appetite or Illusion, and it isn't like that. You can argue, "Well, Metallica sound different these days and they still go to #1", but the comparison isn't there because Metallica has evolved their sound over the course of a series of albums that have come out every few years. Axl spends a decade and a half on one album that is really different from what his fans expect. He hasn't been able to gather younger fans the way Metallica did because he hasn't put any albums out. Chinese Democracy is like the Heaven's Gate of music, and hundreds, quite possibly thousands, of artists are going to end up getting hurt because of this self-indulgent cocksucker and the boofhead arse-kissers who let him get away with it.
Also, it's only being sold in Best Buy stores in America, not record stores. I'm not sure what the mentality behind this is; probably retail chains making deals with labels to funnel more people into their stores. Black Ice was only available at WalMart apparently.
industry rumour has it that the record company refused to give Axel the publicity budget that he wanted, citing the cost of the album and the time it took to get it released.

and also knowing that he would probably chuck a hissy-fit for interviews like he always does -especially to do with questions of the former line up and everything.

and yeah, the retail chains got hold of the album and not the record stores in the US.
Supposedly the regular and indepentent stores will get the album next year or so but until then, an exclusive through best buy.
Similar with WalMart getting an exclusive release for Black Ice -which limited sales in big cities but really spread it out through what is deemed "middle america".

So this may actually harm sales with the more mature post-urban fans but spread out to the core redneck fans.
Chinese Democracy is like the Heaven's Gate of music, and hundreds, quite possibly thousands, of artists are going to end up getting hurt because of this self-indulgent cocksucker and the boofhead arse-kissers who let him get away with it.

Care to elaborate on this? As in, what's Heaven's Gate, and how are thousands of artists going to get hurt?

(Note: please read this with a serious voice rather than a smarmy, smart-arse voice.)
Heaven's Gate was a western made in 1980 by the guy who made The Deer Hunter. It ran over time, was massively over-budget and the director turned it into an ego project. It cost $44m to make and made back $3m, got panned by the critics and caused the studio that made it to collapse. If Chinese Democracy fails, as it appears to be doing, record companies will be reluctant to back big records and Geffen and its parent companies may have to drop a lot of "development" bands to recoup their losses. And by a lot, I mean possibly entire rosters-worth.
Heaven's Gate was a western made in 1980 by the guy who made The Deer Hunter. It ran over time, was massively over-budget and the director turned it into an ego project. It cost $44m to make and made back $3m, got panned by the critics and caused the studio that made it to collapse. If Chinese Democracy fails, as it appears to be doing, record companies will be reluctant to back big records and Geffen and its parent companies may have to drop a lot of "development" bands to recoup their losses. And by a lot, I mean possibly entire rosters-worth.

Wikipea'd it love this from the site "Cimino delivered his version which ran 5 hours and 25 minutes (325 minutes) long" ... bugger me huh and he shot 1.3 million feet (nearly 220 hours) :cry::cry:
Also note that Heaven's Gate had a cast that seemingly couldn't fail: Jeff Bridges, Christopher Walken, Kris Kristofferson, Mickey Rourke, Sam Waterston and a few others who were either at the top of their game or on the way up at the time, and Axl's album has the same kind of talent aboard. The similarities are too big to ignore. Someone should have seen this coming.
It's amazing that money kept being pumped into both projects. There comes a point where you have to realise you're not going to recoup your losses, but then I suppose they might think "they must be almost done now, surely", so they keep hanging on in order to get something back.
It's amazing that money kept being pumped into both projects. There comes a point where you have to realise you're not going to recoup your losses, but then I suppose they might think "they must be almost done now, surely", so they keep hanging on in order to get something back.

it all comes down to basic economic mentality.

If they cut it all together, they lose money, if they allow it to finish, they at least get something back and can hold it over the artist's head, basically owning them and their works until the money is paid back.

there is also the reasoning that because there is so much hype around it, it should sell.
This is very commonly scene in movies -especially the post Studio System period of Hollywood when Epics were all the rage and then again in recent times (Water World anyone?).

it all comes down to money and stupidity by those in charge, relying on good faith and unrealistic expectations of fans.

by all rights, the album should've sold bucket loads -especially by going by all the shirts that the kiddies wear these days.
But sales seem to be in trickles, not floods and there are so many to blame for that.
I don't understand why anyone would be personally offended by anything Axl does, but a lot of people posting in here are almost 'sore' about some of his antics. Yeah, he's not the greatest guy in the world. But he sure is entertaining. Chinese Democracy, not only my favourite album, is also one of my favourite sagas ever.

Some ridiculously entertaining facts:

- It took 14 years from start to release.
- They built Buckethead a chicken coop in the studio to record in.
- A dog did a shit in the chicken coop and Buckethead ordered they leave it there cos it made him play better.
- Axl has had musicians in his band that have only released one album (finally) that have been in the band longer than all of the original line-up.
- After 14 years, this project is finally released and what does Axl do? HE GOES MISSING. He says FUCK YOU to his label and doesn't help them promote it at all. He doesn't given a shit.

Axl has NEVER given a shit. He's always been a lunatic. That's what makes this whole this so fuckin' AWESOME. The fact that it's considered a 'commercial failure' doesn't mean squat and won't affect anything. The label already recouped all their costs on Chinese Democracy by releasing the Greatest Hits which has sold what, something like 7 million worldwide? That MORE than enough makes up for what they spent on Chinese Democracy.

Plus, this album could be a sleeper. There hasn't been a video yet cos Axl's gone AWOL. Videos AREN'T redundant. I find out most new music on YouTube these days and the videos can often make something stick in my mind easier than if I had just heard it. That was the original point of a music video, to give you something more to remember the song by.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride, don't be sore about Axl taking so long to create the album and it has hurt other bands - it hasn't. No label would put that much money behind a not-already-ridiculously-successful band anyway, these days, because the risks are too high with the music industry in the state it is. I've been enjoying the ride since 2002, then 2006 amped it up considerably with the leaks of Better, IRS and TWAT. Ever since then it has been highly entertaining. Reading about Axl's rants and hissy fits, him getting into fights with Tommy Hilfiger and biting a security guard's leg in Sweden... all amazing.

I have never been happier that Axl Rose exists.

I just gotta say this its quite frigging amazing that a celebrity of this calibre decides NOT to break his silence through a major magazine publication like Rolling Stone or through a commercial tv network like MTV/CNN but through not ONE but TWO un-official fan websites!!!! WOW!!!

ALOT of people who use to think he was a dick n etc have totally changed their minds after reading the interview/s (well interviews if u check both forums there's alot more questions answered)