Say something about the forumer above you



Aye, well, You're being added to the list at the next Zionist world conference. Prepare yourself from a late night visit from two Jew-thugs dressed like Ham (because we're not without irony) ready to beat you down with some plates that meat AND dairy has been eaten on.

Hey now.

You can never have too much Gay. It's like Vitamin C - your body takes what it needs and just passes the rest out in your urine.
"Hi Freddy. You bitter sit down. We've tested your blood and, as it turns out, You've got aids"

"Ah shit"

"Hey now, don't worry, you can just pass it out through your urine"
I'd just like to make it clear that had Freddy propositioned me (pre-Aids) I would have said yes.

I'd never even consider Halford though.