say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

It is yes. Armageddon, Mon Amour is the CD. Some are ok, but this is the only one I bought.

<3 again.

Rainbow - Stargazer
Good stuff to fuck by.

Lamb of God - Grace (only the first 30 seconds, can't stand Blythe)
awesome, haha but cant do that srry, i listen too music i like at moments.
like now i dont listen too any deathcore at all, my cd player in the car plays an album from Airbourne like non stop right now xD

annddd sometimes yeh i like deathcore...but far from all.

NP: Entombed - Wolverine Blues
That was a faggotry response to my faggoty response...
I expect better from you Maximus!

Bolt Thrower - every song sounds the same "naptime metal!"

DEATH - Crystal mountain (Cat5 got me in a deathmood)
When we came back from Priest two weeks ago, we were praising Dio on our way back home for still delivering the goods... ifyouknowwhatimeanandithinkyoudo....

NP: Corrosion Of Conformity - the whole 'Blind' record...

Great album or greatest album?