say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Akercocke is fucking badass. and I haven't listened to Words... in loong time

Akercocke - Shelter From the Sand

nothing can save the baptists
No. The Beatles are cool, and that is the one and only brutal truth :mad:

Listening to Devy Townsend (which may or may not be new material) and is indifferent to it so far...
No, not King Diamond. King Crimson.

Which is a band. Not a guy.

metal gods

Discovery Channel - Journey to the Edge of the Universe (though musically most recent was Devin Townsend again with Tall Latte)

Ziltoid was a solid album. Ki is as well. The more I listen to Ki, the more I want to make love to Devin's bald head.

As for me?

Silversun Pickups - Swoon (So far, so good.)