say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

Interesting shit you pulled out of the hat there.

Wolven Ancestry - Silence of the Boreal

Another reason for me as a Canuck to have a little bit of patriotism in me.
^^ It reminds me of Amesoeurs. Great band. They shared members too I think.
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I really liked their first EP, but their full length last year bored the living shit outta me.

guess we're back to posting youtube videos? Bow down:

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I could sit alone and slam whiskey to numb away the tortures of life with that song as the soundtrack and it would just feel right.

Isis - Backlit

I could probably do the same with this song.
Heard of them but never checked them out because they seemed like one of those bands only the underground metal heads like just because they're underground, never gave them a fair chance though.

NP: Misery Index - Meet Reality
Soooo pumped to be playing with these guys on California Metal Fest this year. With such a great lineup (playing with at least 5 bands I love), festival and weekend I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite show that I've ever played on.
They're worth checking out, man. It might not be your cup of tea, but you'd never know otherwise!

Think about what I said earlier... imagine being totally bummed out and just gettin' drunk alone to forget about things. This is perfect music for that.

Also, imagine the loudest band you've ever seen live. Isis is a hundred times louder.

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The album kind of gives me the same vibe a few Mastodon tracks did on that Moby Dick album. Makes me feel stranded out at sea.

Been wanting to see them live for the longest.