say something about ... yourself!

Ramien? Like Damien?



mmm chillins are good
My mom got me a new belt. But I've had this one for six years. Why am I emotionally attached to a belt wtf is wrong with me? But when I try to throw it away I just can't.
My mom got me a new belt. But I've had this one for six years. Why am I emotionally attached to a belt wtf is wrong with me? But when I try to throw it away I just can't.

I know what you mean! I do that with just about everything. Like the new hairbrush I bought a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, it's got a comfy squishy handle like Will's brush which I was completely fascinated by, but I can't bear to stop using the brush I've had for the past 6 years. I had that brush before I even met Derick!
The job interview at Wells Fargo went really well. I'm 99.8% confident that I'll be getting a job offer from them very soon. I've actually interviewed for this job 4 times now. I've had 2 phone interviews and today the office manager interviewed me and took me on a tour...then interviewed me again based on sheet of standard questions. The job is basically sorting & scanning checks that come in, then doing some data entry with them, then putting everything in a packet and sending it on to another department. The equipment looked kind of confusing but every new job looks confusing at first.

The hours could be better...10 hours every Sunday but they make up for it by letting people go home a little early on Tue, Wed, & Thurs (I would have one of those days off). Like I ever had fun on Sundays anyway, they were always spent dreading Monday. All the work for the day is there when you get there, so that's good. It's great to know exactly what you're up against for the day.
Glad to hear about the possible job outcome Cara. :)

As for the belt, I did that too. It had to fall apart before I'd dare use another one. I still miss it.
I've been rockin' the same belt for as long as I can remember too. My dad gave it to me years ago and it was a piece of shit then and it's a little bit worse now. But damn if there's not just something about it! I've gotten new belts over the years that I have tried but I always come back to this one. I really like the scraggly, worn-out, broken in feel of it. I dunno... it's kind of weird trying to describe why I like a belt haha.

I'm sure I'll rock this thing until it physically won't work anymore.
The job interview at Wells Fargo went really well. I'm 99.8% confident that I'll be getting a job offer from them very soon. I've actually interviewed for this job 4 times now. I've had 2 phone interviews and today the office manager interviewed me and took me on a tour...then interviewed me again based on sheet of standard questions. The job is basically sorting & scanning checks that come in, then doing some data entry with them, then putting everything in a packet and sending it on to another department. The equipment looked kind of confusing but every new job looks confusing at first.

The hours could be better...10 hours every Sunday but they make up for it by letting people go home a little early on Tue, Wed, & Thurs (I would have one of those days off). Like I ever had fun on Sundays anyway, they were always spent dreading Monday. All the work for the day is there when you get there, so that's good. It's great to know exactly what you're up against for the day.
*crosses fingers for you getting the job*

applied at target the other day. will call them back about it tomorrow. *sigh*