say something about ... yourself!

Ok, I enjoy a good scratch, it's that simple, but it's hardly an obsession. ;)

As for lip gloss, I am obsessed with my own lips - they're soft and beautiful. I always use watermelon lip gloss, but it's non shiney. I remain thoroughly manly despite this obsession. It always works in a projected fashion. I like my ladies to use lip gloss - a soft and shiney lip is the best thing in the world. Ever. I prefer strawberry, raspberry or cherry, but I'm flexible.

Lip gloss is way too sticky, especially for kisses. I prefer:

But make sure you only use chap stick when you need it.

My friend calls it the Chap Trap--when you get caught up using Chap Stick involuntarily even if your lips aren't chapped. They become chapped when you stop using it, and you get pulled into the awful negative feedback loop that never ends without some serious rehabilitation.

The Chap Trap.
Hooray Sam! i love thrift stores!

I've only been once or twice, my mom hated them and Peter pitches a tantrum if I mention going. I'm gonna have to make it a regular thing, I wanna check out estate sales, old people have the best stuff!

I put all the toys in the basket and Blitz has already got half of them pulled out again while ignoring his dinner. Just like a kid.