say something about ... yourself!

the one you won?

oh. is eating pizza.

Yus! I forgot I selected the one I liked the best was also the least expensive, I didn't want to pay taxes on a 3000 dollar ring so I'm glad I got this one. I have a 600 dollar rug coming too, but I'm going to sell it. It'd be smelling of german shepherd in no time in this house.
is at will's house and just ate an ice cream sandwich that made her much less nauseous!

... watch, they're probobly those ice cream sandwiches for dogs or something. oh well, it was good and made my tummy feel better!!

oh and Laura, since you are at will's house, look through his porn stash and report back pls! kthbye
has a small reddish spot on teh boob today. probably from all the poking and prodding. but may have to make samantha look at the boob :loco: