say something about ... yourself!

Yes, they told me this too. I've got more ninjas at GIS then you realize. They're ALL OVER DALLAS. The new couch-based portals are GREAT for outsourced ninjas, because I have more room here to hire new ones.

no Bozarth at Carne Con for you, then!

my jaw and teeth hurting means that my wisdom teeth will be showing up soon. at 22 years old? fuck this noise. i have to wait until after chicago to get it taken care of. ugh

Sorry East Coasters :(

Wisdom teeth suck. Still haven't gotten mine out, but my x-rays show that they are totally jacked up. Every now and then they will start to shift and cause me pain, but luckily this has not happened for months.

Oh wait, I will have insurance again! I'll be able to go git dem suckers out and stay home for a week! :kickass:
I got mine ripped loose at 18 and was escorted to the car by two very well endowed nurses. That surgeon guy might have been a pervert, but god damn, I appreciated it.
Probably not. Once I start state work, I DOUBT they're gonna give me time off for a while. It'd have to "coincidentally" land on a day off.

Well, it's confirmed. I start back on Monday, making a tad bit more than I was when I left. Coo'

YAY! I overheard Shannon ask someone if they still kept in touch with someone that had been laid off last year. Then Nadia told me that he asked if her sister would come back. I thought NOOOOOOOOOOO so I texted you and a friend of mine that's looking for a job. You got the fastest job offer ever, yay! It's really not as bad as I make it out to be. It's job security and I get to sit and talk with friends all day. And now CAWA!

Oh yeah, it's casual all the time now. Jeans n t shirts ftw
YAY! I overheard Shannon ask someone if they still kept in touch with someone that had been laid off last year. Then Nadia told me that he asked if her sister would come back. I thought NOOOOOOOOOOO so I texted you and a friend of mine that's looking for a job. You got the fastest job offer ever, yay! It's really not as bad as I make it out to be. It's job security and I get to sit and talk with friends all day. And now CAWA!

Oh yeah, it's casual all the time now. Jeans n t shirts ftw

Casual every day?! Well shit! :kickass:

I'm going to suck the first couple of weeks, there is sooo much I don't remember. Does anyone still have that book of contacts I compiled? I could not work without that thang.

Make me a list :( :p
Samamfa, in general what hours is everyone working in Shannon's group? I've asked for 9 to 6. Derick can pick me up every day but it'd be easier for me to take the train in the mornings, so having to get there any earlier than 9 would be painful. Doable but painful.
With cheese please! I've loved calling them that too ever since 2002 when the lone clerk at the Jack in the Box on the grapevine kept calling then that. They're GREAT fresh.