say something about ... yourself!

I was just thinking about this last night, and then that article pops up this morning. I remember the Metro feeling so old and rickety whenever I rode it. Dunno if that had anything to do with the crash, but yeah it's way past time for them to stop operating those old cars.

That's pretty much how I felt about them. They seemed old to me even when I was 15 getting on them. I always thought they smelled like feet too. But I feel the same way about air planes.
It looks like we will be getting the keys early to the new house, maybe tomorrow! :kickass: That will make moving much easier and we can take some things over a bit at a time. Also the bad, the phone lady said today that the net connection is due to be cut on at the new place on the 29th, but there is always the possibility that they won't get it cut on until the 1st. So I will be away for a short bit if that happens. YAY! I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing. :)
Hey guys :), I've not been posting too much lately.

I leased a new car, I'm quite tired and sick of all the rain, but I've been busy with work and other such good things.

And John... I would go for the Dillards job, but as you said it's your decision. I agree with Cara and those who said dealing with the public can just... suck.
Spirits always pack less calories. If you drink good beer it's perfectly healthy, in moderation. It's usually packed with vitamin B and other such things.