say something about ... yourself!

music chills are awesome!!

i have an interview on thursday at 24 hour fitness, for the same position i had at the rec center in maryland (front desk). i really liked that job, but i'm sure the volume of people coming in at 24 hour fitness will be a lot higher.
the one i go to is 24-hrs. some friends of mine worked the night shift there and they said that most of the time, literally no one would be in there from pretty much 1am-5am
oh so i finally told me boss about my travel plans (ie Quitting plans) this spring (going to Germany, than Israel, then chicago, then NYC). I realized that I really dislike my job. Just a little more than a month till im outta there! Though I thought it would be wise to keep my options open, so I told him that I'd be looking to work again come June. I'd have to be pretty desperate for that though. Sick of rich snobby people gettin all bitchy because the fuckin wine they poured all over their $100 shirt didnt completely come out.