say something about ... yourself!

All this talk of smoking marijuana makes me wanna...


Eat brownies.

Oh, and of course, smoke some more marijuana! :headbang:
If I could smoke with one person on the board it would be Kevin. He seems elder weed smoker. Like...him and Neal are the masters.
You mean you're tellin' me that if Karen or Isabel or Laura came up to you with a bowl and said "Hey wanna get high with me?" you'd say "Nah, I'm going to smoke with Kevin instead"?

If so, awesome! But :lol:
I'd much rather hang out with them haha, but from a weed perspective. It seems like you would get the good shit.

I wanna get high with Karen one day though. >_> Hopefully weed will be at CPF to get high with Laura. I don't think Isabel likes me very much.
I hate eating when I'm high, because it's usually in excess, and usually something I shouldn't be eating. Instead, I just drink alcohol. :)

I've been with Kevin when he was smoking weed, but I have yet to actually smoke with him.

I want to :(