say something about ... yourself!

My job is pissing me off. My manager's cousin who filled in a lot just moved away, so now I'm the only person who can cover weekends if someone wants a day off. I don't mind doing it occasionally, but weekends are the only time I'm able to see my boyfriend, and I've already been asked to work three weekends in August when I should be off. I don't like having to tell my coworkers that I can't, or making it seem like I don't want more hours, but I just can't work all the days they want me to, especially since my boy is leaving for six weeks soon. :cry:

Oh yeah and I also destroyed my laptop with a bottle of goddamn Corona. This morning I got a call from Apple that it's fucked beyond repair. I just got approved for a brand spanking new credit card with no interest for 6 months, so I guess I'm using it to buy a brand spanking new computer.
I think the more important lesson is not to hold any kind of liquid in your hand when you can barely keep your eyes open and the possibility of things slipping out of your hands is high. The laptop was on my bed because I didn't have the desk for it set up yet, and it was closed so I thought maybe the damage wouldn't be so bad but apparently I was mistaken. I have to call them back and see if hopefully they were able to restore all my data.
I had my drink on one side of me and my friends lap top on the other side. One of the other guys didn't see the drink and get it over enough that it spilled on my external, cell phone, and Dave's laptop. His keyboard is ruined as far as we know (though he's trying to clean it). The next day my laptop's hard drive just fried itself. This is not a good week for technology.
Ouch, suck. Usually hard drives are immune to that sort of damage as they are sealed up, so I'd think they should be able to pull the data.

Yeah the guy who helped me said I could do it myself, but it would be way too much of an inconvinience so I agreed to pay the $80 for them to do it. I really really hope they can, since replacing all the music and movies I've downloaded would be a huge fuckin' pain. I haven't backed stuff up all that recently, and stuff like pictures can't be replaced at all.
Haha, there is some naughty stuff. I don't even really care if they copy it, since that'll mean that my data isn't destroyed.
oh, so taken at 11:59 pm before the 18th birthday. Eh. *shrugs*

Just hope they're the type to hoard it and not the type to visit 4chan and say "LOOK WHAT I GOT!"