say something about ... yourself!

Derek is a wondrous chap. He wavers between outright sanity and inner-head debates regarding the quantification and diversification involved in bio-taxonomy. I know he's partial to ale but has been abstaining recently owing to a rather obnoxious bout of inwards directed health-kick sycophancy. I sometimes marvel at his sheer ability to do almost anything, but then I chuckle at his almost autistic inability to do the more pragmatic and earthly things he should be doing.

I also know he loves easily and is easily loved (which has lead to more than a few altercations with a swab to Mr Eye). It spreads around like Jam. Strawberry Preserve with butter on toast.
I'm drinking wine because there is no other alcohol in the house. I find my beer tolerance serves no purpose when it comes to this wine and I've been on the same cup for like half an hour.
I used to despise it but now it's a perfect default beer, especially when you're low on funds.