say something about ... yourself!

i know what one of my presents is :D

unless it's not what i asked for and is actually a giant tentacle shaped dildo in a long, rectangular box.
I was sober when you were talking to me, and you can spell dreydl a lot of ways.

I just drank a lot of beer, but I was also smoking and was awake for wayyyyy too long.
You met the sunrise eh? Most of us start to dry up after 2-3 am.

Perfume and a necklace.

It's not his fault, we didn't have any money until I got my retirement check yesterday so he had to shop today. I only wanted the perfume soooo that's what I got.
Oho you bought woman stink! What does it smell like?
Yeah, because older people don't ever get hangovers.

Nah, we get them, just not as often...
and they always happen when you least expect them...
you get up in the morning after a normal night at the bar with your friends
and you go: "wtf a hangover? I didn't drink more than I normally do!"
but sure enough... the head is pumping after 5-6 hours of sleep...
You never know.