say something about ... yourself!

Yes, Preacher is highly recommended. Nothing is sacred in those books. I love it.

In other news: I just finished X-Men : Messiah Complex. It was pretty great.
in other news... today turned out to be really awesome.

hung out with several friends that i haven't seen in a while.

was supposed to go to that bar with the people from work but apparently katrina (and others, i guess) have some pretty intense problems with lindsay (which i can't understand, as she is one of the sweetest people i know). katrina texted me saying that if linsday was with me, they didn't want her sitting at their table and that they have "more problems with her than jordan" dunno wtf is up with that.

so linsday and i went to applebees instead and were there until quarter of midnight. overall, a great day
I forgot to add. Fumbling around a half lit room without my glasses on, caused me to run into the glass coffee table and knock a glass candle stick over. The candle stick is dead, broken into a thousand pieces. :erk:
ugh, I think I had a migraine headache and it was TERRIBLE.

I rolled around in agony all last evening, and then after some Tylenol PM I fell asleep, and I guess I'm mostly better now *shrug*
And I slept on a cot in the living room so that he could have the whole bed to roll around in last night. I gotta say, I had a GREAT night's sleep. Partly because my oldest brother had to get up early for work today, and therefore wasn't milling around the house all night.
at work, wanting to go back home and re-play oblivion, GOTY Edition, and i downloaded extra quests and shit from x-box live, decided im going with a Mage this time around, since the last time i beat the game i was a warrior.

And when i get home ill get the "Cowbell Skull" on Halo 3, because i have ALL the skulls except that one, and once i get a gravity lift, that silver skull is mine!!!!!!!

urgh so many games to play so little time! i still have to beat mass effect, gotta rank up in CoD IV, the list can go on...

Still have a lot to do on Soul Calibur IV, need to get to lvl 30 on WoW.