Say something nice about the person above you [version 2.0]

^i don't get half of wut u're saying :p >8)
i can't be a nurse, since i don't like blood nor people, (although i have a preference for blood)
^has that cool Iron Maiden mascot avatar, Eddie is his name right?

And even if Evelyn doesn't like blood...she should instead be a vampire for Halloween :p
Although I can hardly see the picture from here on my bed, ^ is incredibly beautiful (and looks very similar to someone I know).

It's an internet forum and you're female, I had to say it. ;<
^has that cool Iron Maiden mascot avatar, Eddie is his name right?

And even if Evelyn doesn't like blood...she should instead be a vampire for Halloween :p

Yes, sorry Ars Diavoli your right on both comments,tizz Eddie

Evelyn should be the vamp nurse at HELLOWEEN, "you vont to suck my blood"...:lol: