Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
So they are coming finally but they are opening for God Forbid and while I dont mind them at all they are becoming another Into Eternity (even though I have never seen them its just an example) where they are on every tour or in this case it is their tour. I just saw Goatwhore and they were good, Mnemic is good too I saw almost a year ago open for Arch Enemy. But....


New Jersey based metalcore act GOD FORBID will be teaming up with GOATWHORE, MNEMIC, SCAR SYMMETRY, and THE HUMAN ABSTRACT for a U.S. tour to kick off the new year. Initial dates are as follows:

January 6 - Bedford, NH @ Mark's Showplace
January 7 - New York, NY @ B.B. King Blues Club
January 12 - Louisville, KY @ Headliners Music Hall
January 13 - Mokena, IL @ The Pearl Room
<i>a kansas/missouri/nebraska tour date should fit in here nicely</i>
January 17 - Denver, CO @ Bluebird Theater
Hopefully them will hit El Paso at Chic's. I can only hope, but i guess this rules them out for ProgPowerVIII, oh well.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
So they are coming finally but they are opening for God Forbid and while I dont mind them at all they are becoming another Into Eternity

Stupidest comparison. But it's awesome that they're coming. HELL YEAH I'll be at BB King's even though the crowd for God Forbid will SUCK. :rock:
I'll be there in Mokena !!! This is one of those bands that I feel like I "discovered" before the rest of the world. I happened to download their first disc several months prior to release, and have been a fan since. I've since purchased both of their discs, and now will get a chance to see them live, and perhaps be able to pick up a shirt or two. Their debut was my #2 disc last year, and their new one will surely be a top 10 this year.

Probably like a half an hour, if even that much :(. A diverse lineup of bands for this tour, but of course I can just tell this is not going to be much of a first US tour for poor Scar Symmetry. I can't even see God Forbid playing more than an hour headlining. Oh well, I guess 4 songs is better than no songs at all, eh? Hooorayyy SCAR SYMMETRY!!!
I'll check out the other bands, and happily ignore God Forbid.

This probably rules out Scar Symmetry for PP.......but on the other hand, it really won't be a long slot for them to play, eitherrr..........
kellsco said:
Maybe we can get a Albuquerque, NM date out of this. Dunno if I'm up to an 8 hour drive for them....:erk:

Cmon up (if they don't hit the south lands) - I live in Colorado Springs - about an hour from the Bluebird - and have plenty of room. I want to see Scar Symmetry & Mnemic - not too sure about the others - but ya never know - might find something new I like.

manowarfan1 said:
Cmon up (if they don't hit the south lands) - I live in Colorado Springs - about an hour from the Bluebird - and have plenty of room. I want to see Scar Symmetry & Mnemic - not too sure about the others - but ya never know - might find something new I like.


I'll be seeing you there. :kickass:
Pyramaze51 said:
Hopefully them will hit El Paso at Chic's. I can only hope, but i guess this rules them out for ProgPowerVIII, oh well.
Apparently they want to play Ozzfest next year anyway, I also don't think they would fit PP that well, they would fit in more on SOTU or Gigantour.