Scars of the Crucifix


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
This is actually a fucking good album. I expected it to be shite as I've never liked Deicide thinking they were all just stupid satanic hype, but the new album is good. It even got me to listening to some of their older stuff like Legion. I bought that album on LP when it fisrt came out and, despite being suitably impressed with it's "evil" imagery (I was 14), I fucking hated the music although I loved stuff like Blessed Are The Sick, Leprosy etc. Well, listening to Legion now I rather like it!
I'd recommend Deicide to anyone now! :headbang:
No, YOU suck boaby "Varulv" you wankbag. Lick my pish.
Psychonaut, I've read a few fan reviews of Insineratehymn and they say it's a great album - slower than usual but technically good with great songs and solos. What d'you reckon?
I am new to Deicide so I have to look into their material. However I saw Glen Benton's other band Vital Remains last weekend and I liked them. It may take me a little while to get used to their style but they were good. On top of it they were followed by Testament and Obituary! Is that metal or what? \m/
Varulv said:
Scars of the Crucifix sucks ass.

Too much hype + a track called mad At God + lameness = this album

I was disappointed. That is all.

To all of you people getting angry at people who didn't like the album: Kill yourselves.
Exactly. There is nothing progressive in it at all. It is the same stuff they have been doing. It's like Jean Claude Van Dam doing the same part in basically every movie he's been in.
So? If it's good what's wrong with that? AC/DC are my favourite fucking band! Do you only like bands that change completely with every release? "Progressive" doesn't = good. I love Jethro Tull and they changed a lot with each new album, but that doesn't mean a band like Deicide, AC/DC or Maiden who sound similar with each album are shite. There's a place for all sorts of bands, as long as they're good and to me Scars is a good record. Maybe not as good as In Their Darkened Shrines but it's still good.
It's actually somewhat of a departure for them. It's not the same as the other stuff they've done, they've forsaken some high end for a bit more weight in the rhythm section. I like it, but I still like Legion alot more.
I'm disappointed. Given the hype, I was expecting a lot more. There's a lot of good riffs in there, but then, compared to any early album, it doesn't really stand-up. The arrangements are still short and plain, which doesn't help anything, and Benton, well, mixing dual 'high' and 'low' vocals at the same time doesn't save the repetitiveness of the, again, identical delivery. I wouldn't say it's anything nearly as strong as Serpents of the Light or earlier.
Um. That didn't make sense. You don't disagree with me that it's good, but then say you don't like it. Make up your fucking mind! o_O Anyway, what bands DO you like? I bet they're not popular, because to be popular you need an element of predictability in your albums which you seem to frown on.

I see you gave The Meads an 85% review - did you know Terrorizer liked them too? Quick you better change your review to a 35% before they get popular and you lose your street cred with the elitists. :Smug: