Scattered Ashes


S k y f i r e - + -
Jul 22, 2003
Check out my friends band Scattered Ashes these guys are simply amazing. After just recording their first 3 track EP they are already getting a bunch of recognition around Massachusetts. If you like bands like Shadows Fall, All That Remains, Throwdown, Children of Bodom, and a bunch of others than you need to listen to these guys. IM me at KILLSWITCHFALLS for "A VOW TO KILL" as the mp3's are not yet available on the site.
A Vow to Kill rocked. You can definately see how all those influences come together, it's a very diverse song, with a lot of depth, and the intro rocked. I didn't like Bring Us Down as much. It had too many things to it that make me not like most metalcore, and the electronic voice effects finished it off. Don't get me wrong, it was a good song, just dissapointing after A Vow to Kill. I'm listening to Where to Run now, and it's not as amazing as the first one, but still very good, better than the second. It was consistant, but not without diversity. Overall, a big thumbs up. I'm not a fan of most metalcore, but this band won me over. I just wish I had listened to A Vow to Kill last so it wouldn't have brought the other songs down ;)

Oh, and I have a headache. I like stuff less when I have a headache, if that's an indication of anything.