school starts tomorrow...

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
and if i sleep for 12 hours like i usually do, i gotta get to bed in about..... 30 seconds :lol: its my Sophomore year.... and if you remember back to when i posted the pics of my suit i got.... this year will be interesting.... cya all later
was alright, maintained composure while seeing my ex for the first time since June 22... she broke up with me on July 10 and i thought it would be one hell of a ride id take seein her debating... should i wear my red suit on THIS wednesday or NEXT wednesday????
Have fun, biology is theweb of life, I majot init, and all the techniques...
I took chemistry my sophomore year. For our one field trip we went to the sewage treatment plant.....interesting. Got to see the shit up close, literally. :lol: yeah, we got to see all the treatment stages it goes through. They have a huge pool of it being treated with some bacteria, and they have a dude in rubber pants go out in it and skim the surface!!!!! Ah! I hope he gets paid well.:D
Thats what they woudl have to pay me to get in slime, and hit the highs...
I don't have english until the last 2 quarters of the year,damnit!!!
Even though chemistry isn't exactly onme of my best subjects,the teacher is great...I believe you can get away w/saying pretty much anything in front of this guy and he doesn't give a shit.One of the older guys in my class yelled,very loudly,that his friend who was in the class threatened to anally rape him...the teacher just rolled his eyes and said"No he didn't",and today there was a senior guy in the room working on something w/the wiring behind the ceiling tiles or something,at one point he called the teacher an ungrateful basterd.I think I'm going to go up to jump up on my desk one day and scream "FUCK!!!"at the guy who sits next to me just to see what'll happen.