Schoolgirl 'stabbed for love of AC/DC'

Necromantic-Hiko said:
i still dont see how burberry became fashionable :lol:

a good friend of mine is IT manager at Burberry in London. He was quite worried when chavs started to embrace their clothing (even though it isnt even burberry they wear but some form of cheap copy), because of the knock on effect it would have on people who usually buy the product, worried about being associated with chavs and thus stop buying it.

I hate chavs with a passion. Fortunately, i do not live in an area where i have to deal with them on a daily basis.
In Scotland, chavs are called 'neds'. The term 'ned' has been around for decades. People now claim that it stands for 'non-educated delinquent', but I view this as something that only came into use recently. Neds, bizarrely, are possibly more unpleasant than the average chav. Maybe it's the accent, but despite being pretty much the same, they seem more agressive. Favourite ned quotes include:

"Get tae fuck, ya prick!"
"You're a pure wee fanny!"
"Gie's ma bucky man!" (Referring to 'Buckfast', a cheap, thick, syrupy pseudo-wine).
"Giein it laldy, mahahahaha!"

The most disturbing quote I ever heard from a ned, was as follows:

"See if yer gonnae stab some cunt, dinna dae it above the waist, man. That way, they cannae die, so YOU cannae get done fir attempted or manslaughter or nothin. It's pure dead fuckin simple man, but it fuckin works! Mahahahahaha!!"

I despair at these people.

*EDIT* If you would like to experience some realistic ned interaction, visit the following link to play with your very own 'Nedagotchi', the latest essential virtual pet. Watch with glee, as he asks for Bucky, fags and tunes, and you can say no as often as you like.
Looks like everyone has their own form of degenerates.

The closest thing to chavs we have here are two particular groups:

1: The anglo-saxon variety, who are English descendants (commonly reffered to as 'Australians' I guess). They're refered to as 'bogans', 'yobbos' etc. Sort of the white trash of society. Commonly associated with drug mis-use, aggresive behaviour, profuse swearing, acting out in public, living in a trailer park etc.

2. The ethnic variety. Refered to as 'Heroes', 'Sick cunts', 'Wogs' etc. Basically the same description as that of a chav, yet refering more to the greek/italian/middle east crowd. Same deal. Cowardly gang mentality, delusions of grandeur etc. etc. You can pick them from their affinity for Nike, Adidas, Kappa etc. clothing, horrendously overdone shitbox cars, bass-heavy car speaker systems, some strange sort of patriotism towards their 'mother country' despite being native to Australia, heavy accent despite being born in Australia.
Dear lord, over AC/DC?! These days, AC/DC is pretty harmless. What if she was, say, a Cannibal Corpse fan or something? I mean, they sell AC/DC T shirts at Target for goodness sake!
This may seem random but relates a little. I typed in 911 tabs into google (since it's the best tab site) and it said "Eminem - 2500 tabs @ 911 tabs".
I mean, it may show that all music can have guitars, but I didn't think there were any Eminem songs with guitars, or there would be that many guitarists tabbing them out. That's more than Opeth!
^lol particuarly at

Liquid Diamonds said:
chavs talk pretty much the same? Because I could understand maybe 5% of what he was saying. Do the chavs bother people all the time? Because I'm from the US and I'm probably moving to Manchester (hopefully not many of them there?) and yeah... if they talk like that, I won't even be able to understand wtf they're saying to me :erk:
Some of my mates were meant to meet me at the pub, which is literally 200metres from the house they met up at, and they got jumped, about 3 houses down from his house, by a gang of around 15-25 chavs, no older than 15 years old, getting kicked in the head and ribs, while the girls who were with them would be filming the whole thing on their phone. It's a fairly busy road, and this was at 5pm. Seriously, it doesn't really matter any more what time you are out or how many people you are with, since it's almost certain there will be more of them than you.
So how big is the chav problem? Do people get jumped by chavs all the time or is that a rare occurrence? Is it better, worse, or the same in Scotland and Ireland? I don't know if I want to move to a place where I have to deal with this kind of bullshit.
^I live in a fairly big town, but it's not city sized. On any day, about 50% of the people in town centre will be chavs, just loitering around. At nights there could be anything from 1-25 gangs just roaming around the area looking for people to mug / jump. Granted, my town is just crap in general, and the problem is much less evident in smaller villages, especially in Ireland and Scotland, but I have heard that in the larger English cities it's even worse. When I'm at uni I am perfectly fine, but usually at Christmas or in the summer when I come home I'll have people I know, or even me myself, jumped and beaten up for no reason. Home sweet home eh
FRUGiHOYi said:
So how big is the chav problem? Do people get jumped by chavs all the time or is that a rare occurrence? Is it better, worse, or the same in Scotland and Ireland? I don't know if I want to move to a place where I have to deal with this kind of bullshit.

If you're going to be in a city anywhere in the UK, there is a chance chav's/neds will mug you. Especially at night, and almost definately if you are on your own. Always rememnber to carry a £5 note in your sock. I know that sounds ridiculous, but they won't look there, and it leaves you with money to get a taxi in the eventuality you do get mugged.

And then there's just the general harrassment factor of chav's/neds. What do you look like man? If you have long hair, then prepare to be told to get a haircut by EVERY group of chav's you see. Do not talk to them on trains, or in any kind of enclosed space. My mate was once beaten on a train by a group of neds with a metal bar, because he was having a joke with one of them, and another thought he was laughing at them. They're dangerous, but don't let that put you off coming here. I'm sure it's not really any more dangerous than any other country.
Liquid Diamonds said:
They're dangerous, but don't let that put you off coming here. I'm sure it's not really any more dangerous than any other country.
That kind of shit doesn't really happen here in the US. Basically, just stay away from the bad neighborhoods and you're safe here. Even those places sound a lot safer than over there. And at least if you get attacked, it will be by big scary black people, not these goofy looking little teenagers. I think that's less embarassing :goggly: