Sci-Fi Metal Reccomendations?

Terminus Est

Dec 8, 2002
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I am looking for anything good and metal that has lyrics based on science-fiction. These are the bands that I currently enjoy:

Red Harvest
Voivod (their Phobos album)
Scarve (mainly certain songs in their first few albums)
No Return (Machinery album)
Gamma Ray
Iron Savior
The Kovenant
Blaze (some of their songs, especially on Silicon Messiah)
In-Quest. Particularly 'Destination : Pyroclasm'. The lyrics are about mutant soldiers that end up nearly wiping out humanity in the future and the humans surviving and destroying the soldiers. Well thats what I can remember from briefly looking over the lyrics last night with my mate.
The Splendour Of A Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath The Blazon Of The Hyperborean Empire The Dark Liege Of Chaos Is Unleashed At The Ensorcelled Shrine of A'Zura Kai Cry Havoc For Glory And The Annihilation Of The Titans Of Chaos