Scott Atkins


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Man, after hearing about this guy through the Sylosis dudes I've been listening to more and more of his mixes and he gets some seriously KILLER sounds! The guitar sound on the Ignominious Incarceration album that he did is absolutely crushing. His drum sounds consistently impress me as well... Anyone know much about this guy? The Sylosis studio blogs sort of made it sound like he uses a lot of natural drum sounds but it sounds like there's at least significant blending going on... Any insight into this guys mixing methods appreciated (Josh?)!
All I know is that he was in Stampin Ground who did an album (or two?) with Mr Sneap.

I'm guessing Scott learned a lot from working with Andy - Haven’t heard much of his stuff, but the Sylosis album sounds great.
We spent a week with Scott recording our E.P. He's a lovely bloke and very professional. Theres a list of his gear on the Grindstone if you want to gain insight but I can confirm that he's definately a proponent of the Sneap school of production.

For drums he used Shure Beta 91 and Yamaha Subkick on the Kick, For snare he likes remo weatherking controlled sound snare heads and I think its just a 57 on the snare but could be Audix, Audix on all toms, I think AT4041 family (not sure which one) for overheads with seperate mic for Hi-hat and I think China (TLM103). Ddrum triggers on all drums and I think even Hihat side-chained to Metric Halo Channel Strips for gates. Think he switches kicks out completely in the mix and I'm not sure if he blended the snare but I wouldn't be suprised. Anything else, just ask
Scott's awesome! And he keeps getting better.
He's really thorough when it comes to tuning the drums and getting good sounds. He's just moving into a new studio with a much biger live room which will benefit as well.

I forget what mic he used on the guitar cab, I just know it wasn't a 57

Our album was 4 tracks of his 5150 going through a Marshall Mode 4 cab
All I know is that he was in Stampin Ground who did an album (or two?) with Mr Sneap.

I'm guessing Scott learned a lot from working with Andy - Haven’t heard much of his stuff, but the Sylosis album sounds great.

he did all the Stampin ground albums.. and the last two he did with Andy, i think? not sure though. Send him a message on myspace, he always replys back. seems abit of a nice dude!

check the 3 new man must die songs!

i heard them the other day, they sound killer!
Scott's awesome! And he keeps getting better.
He's really thorough when it comes to tuning the drums and getting good sounds. He's just moving into a new studio with a much biger live room which will benefit as well.

I forget what mic he used on the guitar cab, I just know it wasn't a 57

Our album was 4 tracks of his 5150 going through a Marshall Mode 4 cab
I can't get over how tight the guitars are on that record.
Scott atkins has fucking amazing guitar tone, I'm glad you told us what he used on sylosis josh, cus it just so happens that I'll be using that combination to record an EP soon :D

Not that it will be any where near as tight and good :(
