Scott Davidson's Bday Bash this Saturday @ The Metro


A slave who forever rocks
Featuring Sacred Dawn, ADD and a bunch of other bands I haven't heard of.

$3 off with this flyer.

It was good.
Not a huge fan of The Metro....notably for their $6 shitty draft beer and no-re-entry. I really need to quit smoking.
Also, the inconvenience of driving downtown, dodging pedestrians, bicyclists (sp?), crazy drivers, city buses and paying for $10 for parking, but it was a good show.
The Plague was pretty cool. I give props to Roach...he seems like a cool guy. The crowd was screaming "Roach! Roach! Roach!..." and he stopped the chant to say "No, you have it all wrong. It's "The Plague! The Plague! The Plague!"
So I thought that was cool, he wasn't taking all the credit given to to him by the crowd and that he pointed out the fact that the band is just as important.
Sacred Dawn put on a stellar performance and I'm glad they are debuted new songs.
I was pissed that I missed A.D.D....I guess they went on second. Last time I saw them, they opened for WASP and were awesome, so I was looking forward to seeing them again, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Ha ha!
The Plague was pretty cool. I give props to Roach...he seems like a cool guy. The crowd was screaming "Roach! Roach! Roach!..." and he stopped the chant to say "No, you have it all wrong. It's "The Plague! The Plague! The Plague!"
So I thought that was cool, he wasn't taking all the credit given to to him by the crowd and that he pointed out the fact that the band is just as important.

Yeah...Roach did a great job!! Especially considering he's got cancer real bad & doesn't have much longer. :erk: Glad to see him living out his last days to the fullest! :kickass:
Thanks. I know they aren't your thing, but I may be seeing them in a few months so I was interested.

They were pretty good from what I remember. Even had Eric Wagner (ex-Trouble) come out to do Children of the Grave...pretty good considering Wagner only sang the first verse & part of the first chorus. Doubt he knew where he was though. :lol:
It was pretty cool to see Eric and Ron on stage together again. And Scott got up for a couple of songs with Roach and The Plague. That was something. Wish I didn't delete all my pics BY MISTAKE. First time I've done that, too. :erk: