scott on illegal dl

Reznor did a great job with some of the NIN stuff available for free download and with the option to buy a limited CD.

Mind you NIN have a massive fanatical fan base to call upon. And also that fanbase like the band are very tech savvy.
Kirkland post was probably the best put,well done!
Agreed...and Scott needs to realize if it wasn't for Facebook, Twitter and internet advertising he never would have been able to reach out to fans and probably only would have sold only 5,000 compared to 30,000! Thanks to the internet Anthrax gained back old fans and a whole lot of news ones I'm sure. He needs to think about this kind of thing before he rants.
So when someone disagrees with you, it's "straw men" and "dicks in asses"? Your master suppression technique is not very sophisticated. Neither are your arguments.

That's funny considering your only argument is based on words you put in my mouth. Nice try though. I guess since Scott is a famous guitar player and not a blue-collared farmer then it's okay for him to be greedy and ignore the real things in life.

I'll keep buying music I like too, and delete the downloaded files of albums I don't like. A lot of bands, both bigger and smaller than Anthrax, have already adapted to this new era of downloading/sharing music. It's called, DOING IT YOURSELF.
just buy blank cds and burn ur downloads on them, easy

I don't think that's what he meant. I'm the same way, I like having a product in my hand of albums I own rather then having files on a computer OR on a burned CD. And it's not just about simply wanting a product in my hand like in some mindless-consumer kind of way, I just like having the official release w/ artwork, lyrics, credits, thank you lists, etc. AND I like supporting the band. I know back in the day when I first started buying CDs, reading Thank You lists is what got me into other bands sometimes.

Also, I bet a lot less people get around to reading lyrics to albums that they download. This sucks because lyrics can really be what makes or breaks a band, and I think a lot of people overlook that, or just think lyrics don't matter that much.
CD's and LP's sound much better too. You have something physical in your hands, lyrics, full size artwork and you can choose how to digitize it for best quality. Kirkland made a great post now doubt about it, made full sense, but until that last paragraph comes to pass, it is stealing no matter what spin you put on it. The record companies are not clicking download for you so dont blame them. If you are so desperate to listen to it before buying, well there is usually a stream available so the excuses are getting more limited. Radio stations get advanced copies.
I have a personal problem with downloading because I like to buy cd's and lp's and apparently I won't be able to do that in some years, which fucking sucks. I will never buy digital music.

Decades ago people said they would never purchase anything other than an 8 track, reel to reel, Vinyl, Tape, CD, now Digital.

There will always be technology and always be those who refuse to adapt to technology. That's how life is and will always be.

Haven't you heard all of those rumors about how the Government wanted to put a price on sending an email? The post office lost their asses because this thing called the internet came along and now you can send letters to people without paying 40 cents for stamp and waiting 5 days to get it.

Then the fax machine companies nearly went under because this thing called a scanner came along and made it so you could actually send a copy of a document to someone by scanning and emailing. Quite amazing.

There are these things called cell phones now. The phone companies like Pacific Bell are freaked out because now people don't need line to come into their house and be charged monthly fee's and long distance charges to make phone calls outside of their homes.

The cable companies got freaked out because this thing called satellite tv came in and ruined their monopoly. Now you can get zillions of channels on directv and not have to use cable as your provider for television.

Arcades all but went out of business as there became gaming systems like Atari, Nintendo, and now advanced platforms. You don't need to put 25 cents into a machine anymore to play video games. How amazing.

I heard you don't even have to go to a dvd rental store anymore to get a dvd. You can use a service called Netflix that delivers them to your door. There is some crazy shit going on right now

Scott Ian should really read up on some of this stuff.
Decades ago people said they would never purchase anything other than an 8 track, reel to reel, Vinyl, Tape, CD, now Digital.

There will always be technology and always be those who refuse to adapt to technology. That's how life is and will always be.

Haven't you heard all of those rumors about how the Government wanted to put a price on sending an email? The post office lost their asses because this thing called the internet came along and now you can send letters to people without paying 40 cents for stamp and waiting 5 days to get it.

Then the fax machine companies nearly went under because this thing called a scanner came along and made it so you could actually send a copy of a document to someone by scanning and emailing. Quite amazing.

There are these things called cell phones now. The phone companies like Pacific Bell are freaked out because now people don't need line to come into their house and be charged monthly fee's and long distance charges to make phone calls outside of their homes.

The cable companies got freaked out because this thing called satellite tv came in and ruined their monopoly. Now you can get zillions of channels on directv and not have to use cable as your provider for television.

Arcades all but went out of business as there became gaming systems like Atari, Nintendo, and now advanced platforms. You don't need to put 25 cents into a machine anymore to play video games. How amazing.

I heard you don't even have to go to a dvd rental store anymore to get a dvd. You can use a service called Netflix that delivers them to your door. There is some crazy shit going on right now

Scott Ian should really read up on some of this stuff.

Superb post.

I will say though that if ALL music goes digital and there's no more CDs/vinyl then that's the music world's way of telling me that I don't have to buy music anymore.
Superb post.

I will say though that if ALL music goes digital and there's no more CDs/vinyl then that's the music world's way of telling me that I don't have to buy music anymore.

There will always be other formats of media. It's 2011 and people have started buying Vinyl just because its a trend. There are still a ton of artists that sell a lot of hard copies of albums. Typically bands/artists/composers that have older fans will sell more CD's. The older generation that has a lot of $$$$ and isn't so keen on how to download music will still go purchase CD's like they did 10 years ago. There will always be the nerdy music people that want to look at a CD booklet while listening to the CD. So there will always be hard copies of music you can buy. But essentially you are buying the artwork, booklet, and cost of printing and duplication not the music itself.

One thing you will never be able to get for free is a live concert. You can get a webcast or live dvd but it's never going to be the same as a live concert. Bands are starting to charge way more for live concerts as they need to increase their revenue that way. Record labels do the 360 deals that is how they survive. They take part of the artists record sales, merchandise sales, and ticket sales. Thats how labels are able to survive.
I just think having the physical album w/ artwork and reading the lyrics as you listen to it is the way an album is supposed to be listened to. You're able to soak it in the most. The artwork generally goes with the mood of the music and the lyrics kind of outline the structure of the song. Listening to downloaded files is enough for me to tell if I like an album, but I'm not really going to soak it all in or even hear everything until I've purchased it and really sat down with it.
I just think having the physical album w/ artwork and reading the lyrics as you listen to it is the way an album is supposed to be listened to. You're able to soak it in the most. The artwork generally goes with the mood of the music and the lyrics kind of outline the structure of the song. Listening to downloaded files is enough for me to tell if I like an album, but I'm not really going to soak it all in or even hear everything until I've purchased it and really sat down with it.

I personally agree with you. That is how I grew up listening to music. I almost got off on reading the liner notes, thank you lists etc more than listening to the music. I used to discover half of the bands I would end up purchasing by who was listed in the 'special thanks' section in the CD booklet.

When I was growing up I would always check out the vinyl sleeve while listening to the record. Then when you were done listening you would put the record back into the sleeve.

As soon as mp3 players became available most people would purchase the CD and then throw out the case as it takes up too much space. I know I started doing that. I threw out many boxes of jewel cases that took up half my room!

But kids growing up in the digital era really don't appreciate that part of it and will most likely never care about that stuff. It's a different world now and labels and artists have to adapt or they will die out. Youtube is the new MTV, Itunes is the new Tower Records, and Torrents/Rapidshare etc are the new bootlegging outlets.
I think most musicians have apapted to the digital era and embrace having their music available on-line. Their complaints are that people don't pay for it.
The music world should have adapted ages ago. Get proactive rather than reactive. Internet is a great tool for artist and also the Achilles heel because of torrents.

Back in the day, you had to go to your local Indy record shop every Thursday to see which concerts were going to be announced for your hometown gig or listen to radio nonstop. Now we have the Internet which you can get full tour itineraries in case you wanted to go catch the show in a neighboring city.
Another thing. I was considering hitting up this latest Anthrax tour in another city. I caught the maryland show sunday night. But they haven't really mixed up the set too much or played any obscure hardcore fan only tracks.
Good posts everyone. Whilst I still say it's stealing to download for free, and lot of good stuff has come out of this thread. I agree the music industry was slow to adapt. I agree CDs became expensive, but you choose to click download, so passing the blame doesn't cut it. Change needs to happen, I think things could be regulated a lot more, everyone involved with a band and record company must sign confidentiality contracts and if you get busted leaking the album, you are sacked and out of the "bizz" for good. Penalties must be severe because of the money invested. Stop it before it leaks.
how are they compared to reunion shows?

The Reunion shows were much better setlists from what I remember. I know they did Time, Skeletons, In My World, Among The Living, NFL, Be All End All, I'm the Man, and a few others you don't hear so often when I saw them on the Reunion tour. This tour I have seen them twice. They sounded great but the setlists weren't all that great. They didn't play any songs from Persistence of Time the last time I saw them, they played Only which I can't stand live. And about 5 new songs or so.

They sound good, I liked i better with Dan Spitz on the Reunion tour as it just felt more like the full blown ANTHRAX we all knew. But despite having to look at Rob and that silly snow cap they still sound great live. I just really don't know why they don't do anything from Persistence of Time except for throwing the predictable Got The Time in there every now and then