scott on illegal dl

Sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it now. This is what happens when people steal a product and make it unprofitable.

even if everyone paid for a digital download this would happen. Media formats change as the technology does.
So, being in the entertainment industry or being an artist means that you have no right to want to get paid for your output? Because your job is not a 'real job'? Being a musician/actor/artist is not valid or moral enough for you? I guess the only 'deserving' people are blue collar workers or farmers? You sound bitter because you weren't 'fortunate enough' to ever make it as a musician or something .... :muahaha:

Meh, your point is a little off.

Bussiness models evolve. At one point in time musicians made a record, sold x amount of copies, toured, got x amount of $. Now, they more or less make music to promote a tour where they can make x amount of $. Scott, as many musicians has a beef with that dynamic. The reality is that very same dynamic has hit millons of people from displaced workers who's positions have been replaced by automation, brick and mortor retail stores who's sales have been thinned by .com sales, customer/tech support workers who's positons have been replaced by online help or call centers that move over seas.

The face of the business world changes, some people pay for music. I do, I purchase off of itunes. SOme people feel as if it's available for free they're going to get it that way. Bottom line is these days banking on making money from record sales isn't a solid business plan. You need to roll with those punches. There was a time when you ordered a shirt from the ad in metal edge magazine knowing there was a 6 to 8 week deleivery window. That shit wouldn't fly today. Scott needs to come to terms with that.
Just to add, retail fronts are responsible for loss prevention within their 4 walls, meaning if I walked into best buy and stole a cd best buy would take the hit to their numbers. The record industry should be investing in ways to secure their digital data so that only paying customers are getting it.
Wow, can someone say 'straw man'?

If I sound bitter for not making it big as musician (lol), then you sound like you have Scott Ian's dick in your ass. Some of you go so far out of your way to defend/make excuses for the crap that has come out of his mouth. Try not missing the point next time.

So when someone disagrees with you, it's "straw men" and "dicks in asses"? Your master suppression technique is not very sophisticated. Neither are your arguments.

Yes, the times are a-changin', and the music industry is slow to adapt, but even in these transitional times artists should be paid. In many ways, these days are golden for music fans; music is easily accessible and artists are forced to tour extensively if they want to make money (i.e. more shows for us!), but it has to be frustrating to know that only one in ten (or something; random number) of the people that has your new album actually paid for it. Sooner or later, I guess they'll come up with some sort of business plan for selling/sharing/streaming/downloading music that will satisfy both artists and audience, but untill then, I'll just keep supporting the artists I like by actually buying the music I like.
It costs shit loads of money to write, record, promote, freight gear around the world. You have to pay crew and engineers, producers, techs. So keep on recklessly downloading without later buying the product and we will have no more bands to support.
(Going back a little to this example I wrote about a few days ago.)

There are people who enjoy a musician playing on the street for a few minutes, who are then applauding, and leaving without paying her or him a single dime or cent.

Some music loving people can not really afford it all the time (if they could, they would give away whatever they have. These guys might though talk to the playing girl or guy and give some positive words afterwards, give "thumbs up" or just nod towards the musician. That does not pay the rent but is at least encouraging).

Some music loving people can, but don't (and that is then a - disgusting behavior).

Support with whatever you like, for the love of your music. Isn't this what all this is about?
I'm pretty sure the porn industry had a huge transformation in recent years as well...and yet, we still have porn.
When the artists who write and perform the songs receive pennies from the sale of an album. I'm blown away at the fact that so many people blame "Illegal" downloading on the consumer.
It costs shit loads of money to write, record, promote, freight gear around the world. You have to pay crew and engineers, producers, techs. So keep on recklessly downloading without later buying the product and we will have no more bands to support.

Or you can just play faceless cover songs on youtube all day for a living :grin:
Or you can just play faceless cover songs on youtube all day for a living :grin:

You sound too much like IMFAN09. Jealous that you can't even do that yourself? Show me some talent.
I have a day job, I do this for fun when I have a few moments OK? I have been there and done that with bands. How about I put an original up just for you hey? I am an Anthrax fan and they way I love to express that is by playing what I love, that way I'm not just listening, I'm playing it too so I enjoy it double. Maybe some poeple that are learning to play this stuff can get something out of my Videos.
True, but we cant sit here and believe that the record stores arent to blame for some of this as well. Warehouse music used to charge $18-20 bux a CD sometimes.

No doubt, cd prices got to be rediculous. But just because something costs too much, that's no excuse to steal it. Just my opinion.
Technology is a bitch Scott Ian.. fucking dinosaur!

Newspapers used to be what you would buy and have them delivered to your door every morning so that you could see sports scores, read news, obituaries, classified ads and more.

Ohh.. then this thing called the internet came. Now you can get your news for free, you can post classifieds on craigslist for free, read sports scores on countless free sports websites etc. Scott should check it out sometime!

The newspapers were pissed off that people were getting news for free on the internet and were scared that their industry would become obsolete. Well it certainly took a major hit. But newspapers are still in business and have their own websites now where they make money from advertising etc. They have learned to adapt to the new changes instead of constantly bitch about them.

The music industry has changed drastically because of the Internet. Only the people that can learn to adapt to the new technology and not try to bitch about how it used to be or should be will survive.

This downloading shit has been going on for many years now. It's not going anywhere. Newer bands know exactly what they are getting into when they decide to put a CD out. The old dinosaurs like Scott Ian cry up and down that nobody is buying their hard earned work. In theory Scott is right. But in reality he is a grump old man that needs to learn to adapt to the new era like everyone else.

Soon every band will be putting out music for free. It will be like newpapers. You can still pay to have it delivered to you or you can go to the record labels website and download the music for free. There will be tons of advertising banners and shit everywhere just like newspaper websites. But the traffic going to the record labels website will be so significant they will be able to make some decent money in advertising. Some day they will learn how to adapt instead of try and sue and bitch and moan
Alot of industries have changed. Retail too. I do all my holiday shopping online. I don't have to pay sales tax and they deliver it FREE. That means no having to wait in line, crowded parking lot, rugrats, gas spent. Etc. Banking has changed too. I rarely step foot in my branch and I trade stock on my iPhone. I made thousands of dollars by a few swipes and strokes on my cellphone.

Travel agents are becoming a thing of the past now because of the Internet.

"what's that honey bear? Wanna check out that restaurant across the street from our hotel?"..."I think not, Yelp here says they're overpriced, pretentious and the food sucks".

I bet in the 1910's, horse farmers were pissed at the invention of the car.