Scott on touring, Worship Music, the next record and other stuff


Mar 15, 2005
Cleveland, OH
Looks like I was right when I said:

Unfortunately because of the nature of the record industry today, and lack of income from selling records the cycle is more like:

package tour/headline tour/short break/summer festivals/package tour/short break/headline tour/package tour/short break/package tour/summer festivals/short break/package tour/record album/package tour/headline club shows/package tour/mix album/summer festivals/short break/package tour/release album


It will be at least a few years before a new Anthrax Album.

Scott when asked if they started writing yet:

I can't say we've officially started writing. There are a couple of ideas from the Worship Music sessions that didn't get finished which are close. They still need some work. That's why they're not on the album. I'd think maybe at some point we'll start working on those and take it from there, but our attitude is even though we've been on tour since September when the album came out, it's still so early. We feel like we have a lot of work to do and a long way to do until the end of the cycle for this album. There's no reason to rush anything.

I'm glad worship music kicked ass, I'm glad Anthrax is relevant again... but damnit I don't want to wait years & years between new albums any more!
Thanks to piracy that it has to be this way. Record companies being reactive rather that proactive in the modern era just compounded the problem.
it's not disallowed for a musician to be creative and write songs, it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the music industry. Overkill as a touring band for example still put out an album every 2-3 years now, in the 80's & 90's every 1-2 years and don't forget that they jumped off the tour with Anthrax, Testament & Death Angel to finish their record, even for touring bands new albums are still and will always be important, it's part of the business and what the fans want. good songwriters write lyrics & riffs all the time whether there are plans or appointments for a new album or not just because they feel the urge to do it, even when they don't have a record contract. the strange thing with Anthrax is that they always start writing riffs & lyrics only when a new album is planned which is every 3-8 years since the mid 90's. what i don't understand is why Scott as the guitar-player only writes lyrics and leaves all the riff-writing up to the drummer. i wouldn't expect a new album from them before 2015, that's being optimistic. maybe we Anthrax fans are lucky and get a bunch of new greatest hits-collections and cover-ep's until the release of their next album.
Thrashhard, you said it.

Overkill and Motorhead are good examples of bands who still manage to crank out albums. Bands crying about people downloading is so pointless...
On the headline tour, we've been doing five songs off the album. Once or twice, we may have done six. We haven't played "Revolution Screams" yet live. We haven't played "Crawl", "Giant", or "Judas Priest" yet. I think we've played the rest of it. We've fucked around with the other songs at soundcheck and stuff like that. We start headlining again in September. It's the third leg of the Anthrax, Testament, Death Angel tour and maybe on that run, we'll be able to bust out one or two different songs we haven't done yet. Interesting ehh...

What's up with The Damned Things?

The idea of making a record someday certainly seems possible and like something I'd love to revisit.

Scott sure love the band...
Actaully bands don't profit as much from touring as they used to because they go into massive debt to make an album. Touring pays the debt. Before piracy, bands could make a little money from sales and touring. So piracy is an issue that you cannot argue with. Peole need to get over thier sense of entitlement.
Anthrax probably makes money off touring, but most bands certainly don't make anything, or only a little.
poor bands, they make no money from touring and no money from record-sales, they do it only to please us fans.

OK then, let's steal all the music, not support the tours and there will be no bands. Are you one of those the freely downloads music and is shitty because it's agaisnt the law? Do you like being paid for your work? If you work....lets make you work for free.
Music is a business.Business needs money to be pumped in before a certain project, after u launch a project u aspect returns. If the return is good, then there'll be a chance for another project. If not, then the people running the business must come up with a way to cash in/ spin or what ever it takes to milk some money from the failed projects.

Take ANTHRAX, they manage to build momentum during POT and gain interest from another label and give'em space for SOWN, once SOWN seemed to be doing fine, so the record company gave em' more space and we get STOMP..As we all know, STOMP sunk!! The record company could not gain much, so out u go!! V8 should have been a 'comeback', but again, as we all know, Scott & Charlie are not good businessmen & they manage to put themselves in deep shit again when that lil' company took a dive. Still, we see the band matter how bad some of the tours ends up ( MAXIMUM RAWK!!)

If touring don't give em' money, as albums are not what does?

Bands need to tour to pay their bills!! There are bands, without new albums, still playing rounds ( doing covers of themselves) so they could earn a living...Deathrider anyone?? These people still do what they do, for they have nothing else to do, its their occupation..If there's a new way, they'll be the first in line!!

So, if someone is saying bands get peanuts from touring, then..give em' a day job!!
Everybody's downloaded in the past not a big deal. If you buy tickets to a show, a cd dvd or t-shirt youre still supporting the band. If you really wanted to you could use youtube to stream full albums and songs and not ever have to buy a cd ever again and people still want to take the "downloading is stealing" route. Blah blah blah steal my cock.
do you have any problems understanding my posts mr. moshstomper? i buy cd's, i buy tickets for shows, i buy shirts.

When have you stated that in this thread? I'm happy that you buy CDs and support the bands. Sometimes it seems like you have to be confrontational.
have i stated in any of my threads that i don't buy cd's or promote illegal downloading???

Then why say stuff like "poor bands, they make no money from touring and no money from record-sales, they do it only to please us fans." Ulness I'm misunderstanding that statement..............
you make it look like they don't make any money off touring and any money off record-sales. what do you think how they pay their bills, cars, house,... do you honestly think that they are living on the streets when they are not touring and get paid with a warm meal only for each show? do you think they are starving in 30 square meter-flats, they still make much more money than you and i.