Scott shares my opinions on guns...


...thank God someone else has some kooth.

Scott Ian: "Yeah, I just got home yesterday and finally sat down and wrote on my website. I'm not going to let it change the way I live my life. Anyone who knows Dimebag knows that would be the last thing he'd want. This goes back to politics. People can say anything about 'guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But people allowed to have guns kill, and we live in a country that allows guns.
"The bottom line is this would not have happened anywhere else in the world. If this doesn't wake people up and these pro-gun people ... The fact this murderer was allowed to own a gun ... He was a diagnosed schizophrenic and his mother bought him the gun. He had done well and quit drugs and was diagnosed. But you know what? Maybe his guns should have been taken away. It's insane to me. I've lost two people in my life: Frankie's brother and now Dimebag."
dude that killed Dime was a pussy. In my opinion he would have been too much of a pussy to kill Dime any other way than a gun. He was diagnosed a schizo, even the army wouldn't touch him and his mother buys him a gun. Makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
So what does he propose we do instead? People are always quick to point out what they want to happen without considering how you get to that result or what happens once that result is acheived. Is banning guns an option? Quite simply NO, it is not. Lets look at The U.K, who has banned guns. Since guns were banned there, explain the rise in violent crime.

And add to that that if guns are banned from the law abiding citizen here, they have nothing to protect themselves from criminals who have a gun. If someone is going to rob a bank/store, rape or kill someone, do you think they will care that they are breaking a gun ownership law?

The ONLY solution is to
A: Do a better job of enforcing the laws we have.
B: Make it nearly impossible for "the wrong people" to obtain one. In this case, charge the mother for giving a gun to someone who she knew had a mental condidition. That way people will think twice about who they give or sell a gun to.
C: Make it illegal to privately give/sell a firearm to someone without a record being filed with a local law enforcement agency.

I'm big on freedom, and in no way want to challenge the second amendment, but if EVERYONE has the right to bear arms, crap like this will only continue.
Even if we made it LEGALLY IMPOSSIBLE for criminals to get guns (with background checks and what-not) they would still be able to get guns!
Two things I said in Ty's other post:
1. We may as well outlaw cars, because drunk drivers kill people.
2. Even if Superman took away all the guns on Earth and threw them into outerspace, people would make thier own guns (illegally).
ok, i'm not a big nra gotta have my gun 2nd ammendmant type of guy, but if we didn't have guns way back in 1776 we would be an english colony that would have been enslaved by adolf hitler as he took over the world.guns kill. assholes with guns kill. cops with guns kill. terrorists with airplanes kill. if someone is that determined to kill, it makes no difference if there are guns.
i don't have the answer for gun reform, and we DO have a problem if a celeb dies or if it was some college kid who happens to be at the quickiemart when some dirtbag thinks that it's a good time for a little old armed robbery.
The douche crew here in the states that are all about guns need to see Bowling for Columbine.

Just because Michael Moore says it doesn't make it true. You know what's fun? Thinking for yourself instead of having Guitar Players and film makers do it.
Here is why shit like what happened does not happen in Canada.

Canadians are polite, even the criminals

Canadians dont saturate their television with 24 hour a day violence

Canadians allow the use of the word FUCk on prime time television (at least it was when I was there on the CBC), and dont get their shit in a bunch over titties, and profanity.

Canada has great beer, and plenty of it

Canada has lax marijuana laws (hell it will be legal there withen a decade), a more open minded society our brothers to the north are.

Canada has the best strip clubs IN THE WORLD.

Canada does not give a rats ass if gay people want to get married (because there are better things thatyou should worry about anyway)

Canada has universal health care. WOW a country and a govt that want to look after the sick, what a novel idea.

Its cold, really fucken cold, and that probably has something to do with it. if American citizens didnt have to wory about getting sick, got to hit the bong without the fear of going to jail for 10 years, heard the work fuck on TV at 7 PM, while seeing titties on TV...maybe just maybe there would be less gun violence.

Matt Bello said:
We dont have gun probleme here in Canada
the guy that shot dime was too fucked to go and buy an a gun illegally,why not have even ther simplest law for people that want to do the right thing and have medical assesments done.
Ragamuffin said:
The douche crew here in the states that are all about guns need to see Bowling for Columbine.

Just because Michael Moore says it doesn't make it true. You know what's fun? Thinking for yourself instead of having Guitar Players and film makers do it.

Facts are facts, and the fact that Canada is much safer country than the US is a fact Jack.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Here is why shit like what happened does not happen in Canada.

Canadians are polite, even the criminals

Canadians dont saturate their television with 24 hour a day violence

Canadians allow the use of the word FUCk on prime time television (at least it was when I was there on the CBC), and dont get their shit in a bunch over titties, and profanity.

Canada has great beer, and plenty of it

Canada has lax marijuana laws (hell it will be legal there withen a decade), a more open minded society our brothers to the north are.

Canada has the best strip clubs IN THE WORLD.

Canada does not give a rats ass if gay people want to get married (because there are better things thatyou should worry about anyway)

Canada has universal health care. WOW a country and a govt that want to look after the sick, what a novel idea.

Its cold, really fucken cold, and that probably has something to do with it. if American citizens didnt have to wory about getting sick, got to hit the bong without the fear of going to jail for 10 years, heard the work fuck on TV at 7 PM, while seeing titties on TV...maybe just maybe there would be less gun violence.
That is perhaps the dumbest post in the history of this forum
TD said:
...thank God someone else has some kooth.

Scott Ian: "Yeah, I just got home yesterday and finally sat down and wrote on my website. I'm not going to let it change the way I live my life. Anyone who knows Dimebag knows that would be the last thing he'd want. This goes back to politics. People can say anything about 'guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But people allowed to have guns kill, and we live in a country that allows guns.
"The bottom line is this would not have happened anywhere else in the world. If this doesn't wake people up and these pro-gun people ... The fact this murderer was allowed to own a gun ... He was a diagnosed schizophrenic and his mother bought him the gun. He had done well and quit drugs and was diagnosed. But you know what? Maybe his guns should have been taken away. It's insane to me. I've lost two people in my life: Frankie's brother and now Dimebag."

please shut the fuck up
I have read a few of your posts, and they are just as dumb. I was joking around, because the pro gun, anti gun argument is as stupid as the pro Bush anti Bush, pro abortion, anti abortion. No one has any facts to present, its all opinions.

That is perhaps the dumbest post in the history of this forum