Scott Tweets on Bush


Apr 28, 2005
Scott_Ian "40 odd thousand people chanting Bring Back Bush. 'Nuff said."
29 minutes ago from web

Scott_Ian "I haven't been this excited in a looooong time."
about 9 hours ago from web

Scott_Ian "Kept things relatively mellow last night. Leaving for the festival in a little over an hour. I've never been so ready to play a show."
about 11 hours ago from web
more than seeing anthrax live at sonicsphere which I do. I would really really like to see the crowd chanting " Bring Back Bush"
Well I hate to say it, but if Bush has any brains he will not come back. Anthrax are pricks when it comes to dealing with anybody but Scott, Charlie, and Frank. I have been in denial for a while but now put on record as saying that Anthrax deal with their singers terribly.