Belladonna & Bush (yes, again).

MikeyBong said:
Did anyone consider the thought that maybe Scott wasn't serious?
You could be right. I have been known to get into people's shit before knowing all the facts.
Maybe I'm really off base, but I don't see how a CD of new material with the "classic" line up is going to generate more sales than WCFYA.
The reunion tour brought a lot of old school fans out of the woodwork, but for how long?
I'm 39 and probably go to 50+ shows a year, but I'm the minority.
Most of Anthrax's older fans don't go to that many shows any more (or post on message boards).
karrokid said:
Gene $immons is a pecker head who hasn't written a good song in about 20 years. he'd replace himself in kiss if he could get away with it. I'm not interested in anything that comes out of his mouth .

Gene Simmons has discussed that he would like Kiss to continue after he is done being in the band (like Menudo, it's a brand).
quickstop said:
Gene Simmons has discussed that he would like Kiss to continue after he is done being in the band (like Menudo, it's a brand).

Anthrax should do the same !!!! I'll be the next Scott Ian!!

Ok, on a serious note. The way this reunion was presented to us was pretty fucked up. But I'm a life long fan and loyal. I wonder what the casual fan thinks of all of this. I'm sure they don't even post or read this message board.
quickstop said:
Gene Simmons has discussed that he would like Kiss to continue after he is done being in the band (like Menudo, it's a brand).

He really said that? Geez bet the guy would clone himself if he could just to continue milking the Ki$$ cash cow long after hes gone.

Whats that saying about bands should be more like Led Zep and know when to call it a day. Something like that anyway!
timmyc said:
Delphi - I take all that on board mate - I do, really. But all these events you've mentioned happened 5 years + ago.

WCFYA was the best record Anthrax put out in 10 years, and it put them back on the metal map in a lot of places - Australia included. It put them back on the map in Europe too.

My point is it did a lot better than so many other bands could ever hope for and it seemed the band was in a much better position in 2005 than it was in 5- 6 years. Never has a band baffled me as much!

Absolutly I think WCFYA really put Anthrax back on the map. The Europe shows were packed. It didnt seem to me that they were having trouble filling venues.

I dont think it's a Bush V's Belladonna thing I thinkits the way explanations and actions don''t add up! Why say that WCFYA was the best thing theve done and then sy the band is finished? When does a reunion become a full time band? These sort of things don't tally
It's October... Hopefully they are hard at work.. I cannot wait to hear what they have for us!
fuelee2004 said:
He really said that? Geez bet the guy would clone himself if he could just to continue milking the Ki$$ cash cow long after hes gone.

Whats that saying about bands should be more like Led Zep and know when to call it a day. Something like that anyway!
Kiss has already started. Ace Frehley and Peter Criss are no longer in the band but, their replacements where their makeup. At least Vinnie Vincent and Eric Carr had their own makeup back in the day. Gene Simmons wants to put the Kiss name on everything. He was trying to say that he invented the devil-horns (metal sign). According to Gene Simmons, he invented everything.
Who is the dude that started this thread? He hasn't had any other posts than the one to start the thread and his name is well look at his name than look at your keyboard.
DarbysDad said:
Who is the dude that started this thread? He hasn't had any other posts than the one to start the thread and his name is well look at his name than look at your keyboard.
Nice work Columbo:lol: I wonder who it is?
timmyc said:
What I fail to understand is this:

There are hundreds, no, thousands of metal bands that never achieve half the success that Anthrax has had over the last 25 years, yet THEY are able to continue without having to change members to save the future of the band.

For example, bands like Kreator or Nevermore. These bands may only sell 40K records in the States (this is a real rough guess estimate BTW) and they seem to be happy with what they do musically to get by. Anthrax sold a lot more than this and I thought WCFYA did really well in the Europe too, so what am I missing here?

Well, the one big difference between these smaller metal bands that are "getting by" and Anthrax is this: Anthrax HAD commercial success. They probably bought large homes, nice cars...bands like Kreator and Nevermore are content because they are scraping by and doing what they love. But if you already had a taste of success, expensive possessions, homes to pay for, families who are accustomed to living really really well...having to cut back and lose some of those things can be really painful. And I understand that, and money is important, whether you think it is or not, unless you've gotten to that point, you'll never understand. Sure, you might be happy being in a band, but if you can no longer support your families...whose happiness are you going to put first, your families, or yours?

That's the only reasoning I can see that works. I mean...I am completely against this reunion and badly want John Bush back in the band (and Rob too, but I somehow doubt we'll get both, if any of them)...but I can't exactly fault Charlie and Scott. It's their band, and they can do what they like with it. But I wish we would have gotten an explaination, we're the ones that have supported them (and through their least successful [financially] years, too).
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Why did Scott say the band would be over if this reunion didn't happen?

That is simply not true.

Yeah, take that BLCK13, you don't know shiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!:yuk:

:Smug: :Smug: :Smug: