Bush Vs. Belladonna


Swollen Member
Apr 23, 2004
I could rant forever about why i dont wanna see this renuion thing, even though i never saw the old lineup and im a long time fan. I'll just say what ive heard from other people who arent fans or werent...

I know a couple people that like old anthrax but when i talk about music to people and mention Anthrax is my fav, most people say or that 80's band the music was good but i didnt like the singer or they havent heard anything since SOWN if they know about bush. most people dont know there still around and when i show them they love the new stuff, my gf didnt know who they were by name only after showing her stuff did she reconize im the man, but she absoltely loves everything with bush now and is one of her fav bands, i now ive made many new fans with WCFYA and many more like it, alot of the girls at my club sing along when i put it on.

If Anthrax can get on a big bill like ozzfest with bush great alot of new people will see what there like.

If they go with Belladonna, besides the handful of people who want to still see that (CUT YOUR MULLET!!) it will be a joke and do nothing to promote the current lineup
seen both versions

bush is way better

plus do you want to hear belladonna doing any bush tunes???

id rather see neil turbin come back
Another Joey vs John thread just great :ill: :Puke:

Get this straight I don't won't John to leave no way, no how.

And the Joey bashing gets old because he kicked ass while he was in the band and helped set thrax apart from the cookie cutters of the day. Anybody, including me can scream satan. Thrax lyrics are a big part of the music and with Joey we could here what they were saying. With a truely crappy vocalist they would have been lost in a mosh. If you didn't see them live in the 80s it's hard to explain.

If they do a 25th reunion no BFD - keep it brief boys. It would be nice to see a slam pit at an Anthrax show agian - sorry but in MMD where was the pit. And This does not include jumping up and down but stage diving and going up are a must. With the Joey they will play faster and we all know it and we all know speed isn't everything - so don't waste your time bithcing back.

Let's get a new album with John soon-this maybe wishful thinking but WTF.
Let´s set the things straight.
The reunion is bound to happen, and Bush is leaving. It´s simple as that.
The saddest period in metal history.
I seen anthrax with all three singers(Turbin,Belladonna & Bush) The tightist I've ever heard Anthrax was back in 1985 for joey's fist gig with Anthrax at la'moures in Brooklyn. I Liked all three singers ,Fistful of Metal was the album that got me into Anthrax in the first place. But as i listen to that L.p now, Neil sounds like a Eric Adams wanna- be. Spreading was great. Among is a classic. State is what made me start to dislike Anthrax. persistance was alot better, not great but better than S.O.E. then the split. S.O.W.N a great L.P, but they could've done better, Stomp Fantastic!!! Volume 8 Great. then W.C.F.Y.A, a classic album it has all the right ingredients, there best album they ever done (in my opinion) If I had to chose singers & lineups.Bush & W.C.F.Y.A. Nuff??
prime666 said:
This thread is gayer then Halford in a tu tu huming showtunes as he blows trent reznor.

That's quite gay indeed.

Anyhoo, this is aimed at no one in particular. If you think I'm talking about you odds are I probably am so just take it like a man. Or woman...

Like I've said before, a series of one off reunion shows is awesome. Kicking Bush to the curb would be a mistake that the band would not recover from. But I still don't understand all of the "fuck them, fuck this, fuck that, I'm leaving, boo-hoo, out the window goes my collection, gay purple ribbn campaign in signatures" bullshit that I'm seeing from 80% of the ppl on this board. Do us all a favor, take that shit down, quit your bitchin' and just wait for official (on the site 2-3 days after it's actually announced as always) news. Then and only then take your weak, crybaby comments post them then get on w/life already. Goddamn.
GregadetH said:
That's quite gay indeed.

Anyhoo, this is aimed at no one in particular. If you think I'm talking about you odds are I probably am so just take it like a man. Or woman...

Like I've said before, a series of one off reunion shows is awesome. Kicking Bush to the curb would be a mistake that the band would not recover from. But I still don't understand all of the "fuck them, fuck this, fuck that, I'm leaving, boo-hoo, out the window goes my collection, gay purple ribbn campaign in signatures bullshit that I'm seeing from 80% of the ppl on this board. Do us all a favor, take that shit down, quit your bitchin' and just wait for official (on the site 2-3 days after it's actually announced as always) news. Then and only then take your weak, crybaby comments post them then get on w/life already. Goddamn.

i 100% agree!