Scott's guitar playing these days...


Mar 25, 2004
I let my friends listen to Volume 8. and he said that the rhythm guitarist has to go. They play guitar and say that all Scott plays on Volume 8 is power chords. They're not the only one who has a problem with Scott as seen by other's comments on this board. When was the last time that guy actually opened a book and practised, or even easier, picked up the thing by himself and practised.

I don't expect Scott to be Steve Vai and to beg for attention but I think his guitar work on Volume 8 compared to Fistful of Metal is downright scary.
I hear quite a few artists in magazines saying "I have matured and don't need to display as much flash as when I was younger".
Fair enough, but if 7/10 chords is a fuckin' power chord it's pathetic.

If I was a rhythm guitarist for Anthrax I wouldn't want the drummer to just have some riffs already written for me for the next album that I have to play.
Fuck that, I'd like to show my own creativity and growth as a musician than just rely on my drummer's fiddling around in his basement. I mean, what the fuck does Scott do in the studio???

"Hey, Charlie so errrmmm, so, errrmm, so how's the new album coming on???
Why the fuck should Charlie do everything and the rest wait for his orders?
Is Charlie being too controlling and not letting the other members have their say or are the rest not interested?? I know I'm gonna get ripped off for writing this thread, but a lot of you will talk shit and will not be honest about certain things that Thrax is screwing up at.
In all honesty I think Scott is a fucking huge talent (he only had 6 months of lessons!). He's super fast, has great feel, puts the music first, has superb precision and has a style all his own. Yet, over the years he's gotten worse at his craft, 10 steps forward and a 100 steps back.

Scott, I e-mailed you about this and you said you should really go for lessons but the only problem is time. What a load of crud!!! How's that latest movie Scott???!! You're career is going down the tube and you don't fucking care!!! Why the fuck should I???
I don't think of Scott as just a rythm guitarist. He's, in a way, always been a frontman of Anthrax's. He writes the lyrics for the songs. It's as if he's always wanted to be a singer but didn't have the voice. It's cool. He's good at it. Remember the episode of "Married with Children"?? That's when I realized this fully about Anthrax. I thought it was interesting that of all the songs they could have chosen to do on the show, they chose the one with Scott singing. Rather than one with Joey.

Charlie is a good good songwriter. I like the formula/chemistry that this band has. Great line-up too. With a producer IN the band.

I was at the MMA taping. I was standing directly from Scott. 3 feet away TOPS. You might even see me if they release a DVD of this. My jaw dropped when I could see SCott play some of the older tunes. They pegged this whole fucking thing in one take! He pounded the fuck out of this guitar flawlessly, without fucking up once. Trust me, he still has his chops.
I've seen Anthrax live four times, and I can vouch for him too. Scotty still has the chops.

If he actually said something like "I have matured and don't need to display as much flash as when I was younger," then thank your lucky stars he doesn't play like Kirk Hammett does these days. Have you heard St. Anger?

It could be a lot worse, man...
Ur a fucking dickhead. Why the fuck did u join these boards? just to rip on em'

Why the fuck do u have to listen to what other people have to say dont you have you opinion? You obviously no nothing baout music so shut up
How many albums have you and your friends sold? Angus Young has been playing since the dinosaurs became extinct and has sold a shitload of albums all with power chords. Stick to what you know notman, and guitar apparently isn't it. Emailing Scott to tell him he needs lessons, who the fuck are you? Yngwie fucking Malmsteen or some shit? When I hear your new album and see your video on TV then I might consider your comments to mean shit...until then.....YAWNNNNN. I guess Tony Iommi needs some lessons too, maybe you should email him. Im sure hell take it to heart and sign up for lessons as soon as he reads it.
i think Scott is great and so is anthrax music, I just would like to hear more lead guitar (or solos ) in some of their older albums ,like SOE and in some of ATL songs(the only 2 old ones that i have atm), though im not an expert at all, maybe it's just a matter of the production or it's just me..just my opinion anyway, i still love that music!
I'm not a guitarist, but how come all the people I've spoken to who have heard Thrax for the first time think that Scott's guitar playing these days is not very good.

I love Anthrax so stop being dicks and saying that I'm causing shit. Go look at the Metallica boards where the fans are trying to encourage Lars to practise more and yes, even take lessons. They know how talented he is and that he's capable of more just like Scott is capable of more.

Is it bad to give honest criticism to an artist to try and help them and give pointers when they are going through a tough time in their career. These are my own opinions and I'm allowed to have them and say what I need to say.
Anthrax are putting out DVDs and greatest hits packages I think because they are running out of money to even carry on. I'd like it if Scott could continue doing what he loves without having to worry about not having enough money to record new albums. I think we'd all like it if Scott did his best and showed the world how talented he really is. I know he can do better, just listen to the earlier albums...

and as long as charlie keeps writing killer material, i'm all for it.
Why is nobody interested in the killer material?? There is no excuse this time if the media is pushing them like nuts and if they have a great street team. :)
For Stomp 442, fans didn't know the album was out yet it sold, people know about new Thrax album but just don't like it. Don't you fans want that to change.

I've even read a review of Volume 8 where the reviewer said he thought there was a 5 year old playing on the album, filling in for Scott.

Why the fuck do u have to listen to what other people have to say dont you have you opinion? You obviously no nothing baout music so shut up
I do have an opinion and before my other friends comnented on his guitar work I made them comment on it because I didn't think it was that great either. I wanted to hear their opinion because they ae the guitarists, not me. You don't know how to spell.

You can call me a dick, but you're just frightened of the truth. I know everyone on here is. As soon as someone tries to say something that's not good about Anthrax, to get it in the open and try and get it sorted out, the person is bullied off the board for being honest and actually trying to help.

Emailing Scott to tell him he needs lessons, who the fuck are you?
I didn't e-mail him to tell him to get lessons, I suggested it and didn't tell him to do anything. Scott said he should get some as well but said he has no time. Joe Petrucci of Dream Theatre practices 12 hours a day and Randy Rhoads after almost every Ozzy gig phoned up a teacher and was fucking dedicated and was admired the world over.

So there you go, cover your eyes and keep on saying that Scott's as good as he used be. MY ARSE!!!
I kind of agree with notman about Scott being a front man . He is definitly the second front man in this band. The only other thing I agree with is I want to see more songs written by Scott and I want them fast (speed wise that is). As far as power chords go Black Sabbath used alot of power chords too and there god like.
Hi prime666, how ya doing?? I'm off to a tough start on this board but I want to speak the truth! I hope you do too. Always stand up for what yu believe and refuse to be denied!
Power chords are great, there's nothing wrong with writing a fucking easy riff as long as it's good.
But it seems like if Scott varied his chords and did vibratos and pinch harmonics and changes in tempo and different time signatures maybe he would win over new fans. It would gve Anthrax more colour, and if he got a teacher he would have a more varied palette.
Like I said he doesn't have to be Steve Vai but it would be jolly good if he even tried to be creative.
Scott was brilliant all the way up to Sound but then he just kinda lost interest.
Ever heard the saying: Standing still is the fastest way to fall behind in a fast and ever changing world. 10 steps forward 100 steps back. I think the guys above are starting to feel embarassed about their narrowminded and rude comments.
scott may not be a widdley lead player like hammet (well old hammet) or wylde, but he can still play pretty damn well...

to play as fast as he can (almost all down picked too, not alternate picked) takes a lot of work, and so what if he plays almost all powerchords... the music still sounds amazing, for anthrax i think using more 'fancy' chords could take something away from the music

Come on 442, compare Scott's plsying now to what it was in the 80's. Be honest with yourself...
Thanks man!
to be honest it dosent really make a difference to me

i thought ever song on wcfya was great, regardless of any improvement or decrease in scotts skills. if a song is a good song, it dosent make a difference either way

If Scott's drumming wasn't as good as it is would there be a difference in how you feel about the new record.
I just nailed it on the head. Drum roll please! :)
ah, you got me there...

but my point still stands, if a song is great anyway with a lower level of ability (like scotts playing now) does it really make a difference? some of the newer stuff would sound quite bad using the older rhythm style...
to prove my point go and listen to balck label societys 1919 eternal, the drumming is very simple, basically one beat for the whole album, but it goes well with the songs style and they still sound awesome...

If Charlie's drumming wasn't as good as it is, would there be a difference in how you feel about the new record?
I just nailed it on the head. Drum roll please!
Sorry bro, getting sleepy...
thenotman said:
If Charlie's drumming wasn't as good as it is, would there be a difference in how you feel about the new record?
I just nailed it on the head. Drum roll please!
Sorry bro, getting sleepy...

true, i havent really thought about it but the drumming does give a song the style, and guitars/vocals/whatever can only add to that

but we arent talking about drumming anyway, this was about scotts guitars ;) and while i agree they may not be as skilled as they used to, they still rock like a motherfucker

The guitar has always been nothing more than a tool to write songs. I play what's right for the song. That's all that has ever mattered.
If I need to play power chords, that's what I play. If I need to play riffs with 1000 notes (Black Dahlia), I do.
It's all about the song.
I'm glad some of you are so interested.