Scott Ian's guitar playing


May 5, 2003
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I found it disappointing when I learned that Scott Ian wasn't the Lead guitarist for Anthrax. Then I found it even more disappointing when I found out the Charlie writes a lot of the riffs and songs. I like Scott and respect his playing but he doesnt seem as skilled as Hetfield or the great MegaDave on rythym guitar. That totally killed his status on my list of good guitar players. :erk:
Errr... Scott is a very skilled rhythm guitar player - just listen to any Anthrax record ... and by the way, even though Charlie does write all the riffs and most of the melodies, what you hear in the final mix is Scott's interpretation of what Charlie wrote - so you have to give Scott a little more credit dude.
Whats wrong with your mother doing your laundry?
Scott rules, even my old guitar teacher who's a Satch/Stevie Via nut thought Ians playing was fantastic, the guys a machine gun (if thats a compliment?)
DreQuick said:
I found it disappointing when I learned that Scott Ian wasn't the Lead guitarist for Anthrax. Then I found it even more disappointing when I found out the Charlie writes a lot of the riffs and songs. I like Scott and respect his playing but he doesnt seem as skilled as Hetfield or the great MegaDave on rythym guitar. That totally killed his status on my list of good guitar players. :erk:
I asked one of my friends to play an Anthrax song, and he looked at me like I was crazy. He didn't want to even try learning what Scott does for rhythm guitar. He knew he could, he said, why try, I won't be able to come close. hey, do you want to hear some Metallica?
Jono said:
"gimme some sugar baby"
Uhhhhh and check some SOD befoe you make half assed statements agian. I dunno what you want to accomplish by posting things about anthrax that are other than positive in the thrax board.

I wouldn't say that post was negative, it was more positive than negative. It's just my opinion, plus i dont really care for rythym guitar as much as lead. Plus after watching the Rockshow with Scott Ian for a year, i knoe how cool he is. He would just impress me more if he played lead and would shred more often.
DreQuick said:
I found it disappointing when I learned that Scott Ian wasn't the Lead guitarist for Anthrax. Then I found it even more disappointing when I found out the Charlie writes a lot of the riffs and songs. I like Scott and respect his playing but he doesnt seem as skilled as Hetfield or the great MegaDave on rythym guitar. That totally killed his status on my list of good guitar players. :erk:

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! (sic)
Ummm.....Scott IS the guitar sound for Anthrax...always has been. Dan Spitz's guitar sound was weak at best. His solos had their moments. Paul Crook was/is an amazing guitarist. But Scott IS Anthrax. And why do you look down on Charlie just because he writes most of the material? He's a great songwriter and one of the best metal drummers ever! Period. Dude, get a clue.
And if you're doubting Scott's guitar ability, just listen to the first SOD album. :hotjump:
Jono said:
hmmm I don't see how two sad faces make a thread positive.... oooh I get it it's like when you add two negatives the number comes out positive. ... ok whatever you say man.

The sad faces represent the dismay of me when I learned about Scott Ian not being lead. When you Multiply 2 negatives, it becomes a positive.
That post was positive for I wasn't bashing Scott Ian, i just said if he had played lead, he'd be cooler.